DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Minnesota > St. Louis County > Report # 59346
Report # 59346  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, April 26, 2018.
Daytime road crossing on MN-73 near the town of Cook
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YEAR: 2018

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April

DATE: 26

STATE: Minnesota

COUNTY: St. Louis County

LOCATION DETAILS: Approximately 2 1/2 miles south of where MN Hwy 73 meets MN Hwy 53 north


NEAREST ROAD: Hwy 73 and Hwy 53

OBSERVED: i was driving north on Hwy 73 past west Olson road. There is a recent clear cut on the north side of the road. I seen a large brown animal sitting on the north side of the road in the grassy area of the ditch. I got within about 120 yds or so from the animal and it stood up and took 3 steps to cross the road heading south into the swampy area on the other side of the road. I stopped the vehicle and you could see the grass on the north side patted down where something had been. The animal was brown in color and when standing I estimate about 7 to 8 ft tall.

OTHER WITNESSES: I was the only one in the vehicle


TIME AND CONDITIONS: 2:15 pm partly cloudy but sunny about 50 degrees

ENVIRONMENT: recent clear cut to the north with pine and poplar. Area to the east end of clear cut is an ash swale which is where I seen the animal.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Jim & Carol Telenko:

Phone interview:

As witness crested a small hill on Highway 73, traveling east, 2 miles before the intersection at Highway 53, he observed a large brown creature squatting in the swale, on the north side of the road, about 125 yards ahead. At about 60 yards, the creature turned and looked at him then pushed itself to a bipedal position on very long legs and with arms swinging and hands down to its knees, it very quickly took 3 large steps across the highway (22 feet wide) and went into the swampy area that lads to a larger stand of woods. Witness, in the 15 +- seconds he saw the creature, observed that it had a flat face (no snout), round type head, no distinct neck, was approximately 7 - 7 1/2 feet tall, guesses 350 pounds with close to a 60 inch chest. Hair was 4-6 inches long and matted and dull looking, not smooth and shiny like a bear. Witness stopped and got out of vehicle, he saw where it had been squatting and imprint where it pushed off. However, due to melting snow, ground was too saturated for any distinct prints. He did not see any hair and didn't look for scat. Also, being a semi avid hunter, he has observed several bears and has been close enough to smell their odor. He described the odor at the site, nothing like a bears, but it was the foulest, most rancid body odor you could imagine, that lingered around for a 1/2 hour when he went back with daughter to show her the site.

Witness was very excited to submit this report. He sounded very convincing and believable and still has memorable dreams of the sighting as well as not being afraid to talk to his friends about it.

As per witness, there is plenty of fresh water (including a small stream), huge wood and swampy areas, and a very large deer, moose and small game population, along with a variety of berries. Other predators include coyote, wolf and bear.

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