DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Idaho > Valley County > Report # 57765
Report # 57765  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, June 26, 2017.
Cabin owners have a strange night near Warm Lake
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YEAR: 2017

SEASON: Summer

DATE: 25th of June

STATE: Idaho

COUNTY: Valley County

LOCATION DETAILS: This happened outside of our family cabin.



OBSERVED: I didn't actually see anything. My wife woke me up around 1:30 am. She was giving me a hard time for the smell in the cabin (she thought I was passing gas). I told her it wasn't me. I had the window open and the fan was on blowing the cold air on me. There was this stench coming from outside. It was the most horrible smell I have ever smelled in my life. It was a mix of nasty fecal matter (diarrhea) and body sweat/odor. I immediately shut the fan off and the smell started to go away. I didn't even think about going outside until later on in the morning about 10:00 am when we were eating breakfast.

We hadn't mentioned anything to our kids but my son said he didn't sleep well the night before. He said he heard something outside of the cabin and thought it was probably a deer but he kept waking up feeling like something was staring at him through the window in the living room. Every time he would wake up, he'd look at the window. He said he thought for sure something was outside of the window staring at him. If indeed there was something or someone outside of the window staring at him then they would have to be at least 7 - 8 feet tall because the window is about that high off of the ground outside of the cabin.

I didn't know if this incident was worth mentioning but I thought I would share it anyway. I did go outside and carefully searched the area around the cabin for any tracks but couldn't see any but our own and our dogs. Our dog was inside of the cabin sleeping in her crate in, the kitchen. She made no noise through the night.

OTHER WITNESSES: Myself, my wife, and my son.

OTHER STORIES: I haven't hear of any stories/sightings around Warm Lake but have hear of a few down in the Valley closer to Cascade and McCall.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Early morning, around 1:30 am.

ENVIRONMENT: Area is Pine forest with cabins throughout the lake area. Warm Lake is about a block down the hill from the cabin.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Kevin Llewellyn:

I talked to the witness by phone.

The two nearest cabins are thirty-five and 100 yards away. Those cabins were empty that night. These cabins are on Boise National Forest property.

The foul odor that awoke his wife was so strong, it lingered in the cabin for at least ten minutes after the witness closed the window and turned the fan off.

The next morning, his eight year old son volunteered what he experienced. The son awoke five different times. On the fifth time, he saw an outline of a head outside the window. He then went over to where the daughters were sleeping.

The witness is six feet one inch tall and the bottom of the window is above that.

Nobody heard anything hit the cabin, or any vocalizations. The dog was not restless and just slept.

His son will sometimes practice whoops outside, but the witness cannot remember if his son did any the day before.

I found the witness to be credible.

About BFRO Investigator Kevin Llewellyn:

Kevin has camped, fished and hunted in Eastern Washington all his life. His interest in Sasquatch began when he was 10 years old and saw Roger Patterson present "the" film. He lives in Eastern Washington.

Recently retired, he was a veterinarian since 1984, after graduating from Washington State University.

He attended Washington BFRO expeditions in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2019. Oregon in 2015 and 2018, Montana in 2017 and 2018. He was co-leader of N.E. Washington 2019, Washington 2020, 2021 #1 & #2, and Montana 2020, 2021expeditions.

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