DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Miami County > Report # 57659
Report # 57659  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Friday, June 9, 2017.
Daytime sighting in Tipp City while fishing the Great Miami River
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YEAR: 2017

SEASON: Summer


DATE: June 05th


COUNTY: Miami County

LOCATION DETAILS: In Tipp City at the Great Miami River.


OBSERVED: So I was with five of my friends fly fishing and when we pulled in we noticed an almost dead silence. So we go along the trail to our spot we always fish at do to the large amount of bass we have caught down there. So as we were walking my rod snagged on a branch that was split at a 90 degree right angle. From there we reached the river and the others started fishing but I fell off. I knew of reports out here and the legend of the Grassman. So as we were fishing I hear a snap from across the river then I see the thing stand up over 8-10 feet tall and growl before I saw a tree fall behind us. We booked it. We reached the truck and started going but the creature went in front of the gravel road looking at us as it walked and we had trees falling. So the next day we come back out to look for the creature and I hear a shot go off. So I move us back to the trail and get to the truck. I didn't have my phone but we found a weird intertwined tree things and rocks around it.

ALSO NOTICED: After the incident we went back and found tracks and broken trees before moving out do to a feeling. We also had hunch that a Squatch was back there so it is becoming a known area to our group for being a good sighting location

OTHER WITNESSES: 5. We were all fishing and observing

OTHER STORIES: My friend also found a track back there 2 days prior

Sun still up but going down. It was still clear

ENVIRONMENT: Started on a wooded area. We then moved to a river with woods behind us. We also walked the trail for awhile where it was dry and not muddy

Tipp City Report pictures

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Jonny Walker:

During the phone interview I had with the fisherman, it was apparent to me that this experience had a profound effect on him and his friends. Though apprehensive about going back to the spot, he and his friends did return to see what evidence, if any, they could find. I applauded him on braving a return and did my best to reassure him that to my knowledge, there were no reports of a human being attacked. Intimidated yes, but not harmed. I believe he sounded relieved to that fact. I traveled to Tipp City to locate the area. Though I could not locate the aforementioned path off the main trail, I did see that there was several deer paths along the walking/biking trail, and one path had the appearance that something of large size had passed through the tall plants.

The above link are photos I took at the location and surrounding area during my follow-up investigation.

About BFRO Investigator Jonny Walker:

Jon Walker is an avid outdoorsman and hunter. He works in the surveillance field. He has hiked across several U.S. National Parks and a few Manitoba Provincial Parks. He has seen and heard evidence of Sasquatches. Jon attended the 2017 and 2018 Kentucky Expeditions.

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