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Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Spokane County > Report # 56332
Report # 56332  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, January 9, 2017.
Snowshoers find possible tracks in the Antoine Peak Conservation Area
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YEAR: 2017

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: January


STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Spokane County

LOCATION DETAILS: Antoine Peak Conservation Area. This is a very large "park" where no motorized vehicles are authorized to go and lots of wildlife is abundant.



OBSERVED: Sunday January 8th, 2017. My husband and I were snowshoeing out from my parents property towards Antoine Peak conservation area around 12:30 pm. We had gone for about 45 minutes away from the house, seeing lots of wildlife along the trails including deer, rabbit and moose. There were lots of tracks along the way as well. We came upon a trail where all of a sudden the deer trails we had been following, swerved off the main trail and up the hillside. Up ahead was a single set of tracks that appeared to be a bi-pedal animal of some kind and there the smell was something awful.

We weren't sure what to make of the tracks at first so we just continued along the trail. I immediately noticed how far apart the tracks were and became very aware of what we COULD have been looking at. I had my husband try to match his stride to those of the tracks, and he came up VERY short.

We didn't come prepared with tape measures or anything like that, but my Husband is 5'9" and he could only get to about half of the stride length. We continued to follow the trail of tracks for several hundred feet and they suddenly turned and, what looked like, jumped off the side of the hill towards a clearing where there is a pond in the summer months.

At the time there was about a foot of snow on the ground and the following day, another 6+ inches fell.

We are not sure what created these tracks, but I am unaware of anything with such characteristics in this area.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: 1:00 PM in the afternoon.
It was an overcast day, snowed in the days previous.

ENVIRONMENT: Pine forest with ponds and large clearings, hiking trails

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Kevin Llewellyn:

I talked to the witness by phone. She is an avid hiker, but this was her first year snowshoeing. Her parents live on property that borders the Antoine Peak Conservation Area.

The witness and her husband began smelling an odor as if something was dead. She expected to find a dead animal, but rounded a corner in the trail and saw tracks in the snow. The approximate eighteen inch long by eight inch wide tracks were about five feet apart, but lacked detail as they had snow in them. The tracks were aligned, one directly in front of the other, see photos:

They followed the tracks for 200 yards. At the edge of a hill, the odor was no longer detected. There was no skid marks in the snow on the slope, but at the bottom were two tracks as if a bipedal animal had landed on both feet. The witness is unsure but estimates it landed twenty five feet below. She also saw another set of tracks where it jumped a second time twenty five feet down to a lower trail.

Friends have told the witness there is a cave to the north.

I found the witness to be very credible. She mentioned it was unnerving to see what the tracks revealed.

About BFRO Investigator Kevin Llewellyn:

Kevin has camped, fished and hunted in Eastern Washington all his life. His interest in Sasquatch began when he was 10 years old and saw Roger Patterson present "the" film. He lives in Eastern Washington.

Recently retired, he was a veterinarian since 1984, after graduating from Washington State University.

He attended Washington BFRO expeditions in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2019. Oregon in 2015 and 2018, Montana in 2017 and 2018. He was co-leader of N.E. Washington 2019, Washington 2020, 2021 #1 & #2, and Montana 2020, 2021expeditions.

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