DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > New York > Washington County > Report # 55727
Report # 55727  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, October 6, 2016.
Married couple has possible daytime sighting while boating on Lake George
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YEAR: 2015

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 17

STATE: New York

COUNTY: Washington County

LOCATION DETAILS: Along the eastern shore of Lake George, north of the Narrows and south of Fox Island. The object we saw was located at approximately 43 degrees 35.086 minutes north and 073 degrees 34.347 minutes west per a Google Earth view obtained on 5-5-2015.


NEAREST ROAD: Shelving Rock Road

OBSERVED: It occurred on a sunny June 17, 2015 around mid afternoon while we were boating along the eastern shore of Lake George, NY, just above the Narrows. The object we saw was located at approximately 43 degrees 35.086 minutes north and 073 degrees 34.347 minutes west per a Google Earth view obtained on 5-5-2015. We were about 140 yards away (even though it didn't seem that far) and the bearing from us to it was about 132 degrees true, again using Google Earth to obtain distance and bearing. This section of the lake is state property and part of the "Forever Wild" section of the Adirondacks. There are many square miles of wilderness here and this location is only about 8 miles from the locally famous Whitehall, NY sightings in 1976.

We were motoring in our 19' I/O boat northeastish in a narrow channel between Sarah Island, Hazel Island, an un-named rocky outcrop and the mainland. Our intended goal was Fox Island, a short distance away. We were traveling about 5 mph, slightly above idling speed, engine rpm would be approximately 1000. There is a point of land opposite the rocky outcrop and as we cleared it, a small bay exists on our starboard (right) side. Since I'm always scanning the lake side to side for boat traffic, at that point in time, I was looking to the east into the bay and I noticed movement close to the shoreline. It seemed that whatever it was, was caught by surprise as we cleared that point of land. I then got my wife's attention, she looked in that direction and also saw it.

My view was of a very large black animate object that seemed to quickly raise an arm (?) from it's side to a horizontal position then turn away and move back and to the side (north) behind a nearby clump of coniferous trees. I then spun the boat around for a better view. Meanwhile, my wife (Debbie) was watching it. Her impression was that it was large, dark, upright and didn't move like an animal. Her view was slightly restricted by the trees but she did notice that the object was swaying from side to side. The only (known) animal that is large and black out here in the Adirondacks is the black bear and we both strongly believe it wasn't a bear (I've seen many bears in the woods). It was an observation of very short duration but long enough to impress us. Unfortunately we can't provide any accurate dimensions or descriptions of physical details but even though we're not sure of what is was, we're sure of what it was not!

We then continued on to Fox Island which is about 200 yards from the sighted critter and only about 50 feet from the mainland and chatted for a bit. Eventually we got the charcoal grill fired up and proceeded to cook a traditional meal of dogs and beans, of course with the appropriate condiments. We do this on a regular basis on the islands of the lake. As we were eating, we both had a weird feeling so we QUICKLY finished our meal, loaded the gear back on the boat and left or as some may say, got the heck out of Dodge. We've never had that type of experience on the lake before and are not sure if the two events are related. I've recently become aware that some folks have a theory about how our favorite mystery creature may use/communicate with infrasound which could explain that feeling we both had.

We returned to the area on July 6, 2015 by boat with my brother who is an accomplished photographer to investigate the mainland. By then, the NYDEC had installed docks in that bay so we could tie up to and go ashore. We went to the area where the critter was first observed and noted that there was a small, probably seasonal stream that flowed into the lake. We searched for but did not find any tracks or other sign. However I recently purchased a trail cam and plan to set it up in that area. Preliminary testing has shown that the motion sensor is very sensitive and wind generated tree movement will trigger it. I've got a few ideas on how to mount it but am still trying to come up with the appropriate "bait". Got any ideas?

Also this spring (2016), I shared our occurrence with BF researcher Bill Brann who runs the Northern Sasquatch Research Society who was present during a public screening of a documentary called Beast of Whitehall, The Abair Road Incident that was made by the Ohio firm, Small Town Monsters. He then mentioned that he had a report of an anchored boat by Fox Island that had rocks thrown at it at night. It was probably the same bay which is quite protected from boat traffic.

Again, we both have had over 40 years of outdoors experience and are very familiar with Adirondack wildlife. Debbie is a retired Science teacher and I'm a retired manufacturing engineer of medical devices.

ALSO NOTICED: We then continued on to Fox Island which is about 200 yards from the sighted critter and only about 50 feet from the mainland and chatted for a bit. Eventually we got the charcoal grill fired up and proceeded to cook a traditional meal of dogs and beans, of course with the appropriate condiments. We do this on a regular basis on the islands of the lake. As we were eating, we both had a weird feeling so we QUICKLY finished our meal, loaded the gear back on the boat and left or as some may say, got the hell out of Dodge. We've never had that type of experience on the lake before and are not sure if the two events are related. I've recently become aware that some folks have a theory about how our favorite mystery creature may use/communicate with infrasound which could explain that feeling we both had.

OTHER WITNESSES: 2 witnesses.
We were slowly motoring in our boat admiring the scenery.

OTHER STORIES: Yes, according to Bill Brann, a local BF researcher, he was aware of an event where stones were thrown at a boat anchored in the small bay where we had our sighting. Also, about 8 miles away through the woods is the village of Whitehall, NY where there have been many sightings, including the famous 1970's one where numerous folks saw it including law enforcement.


Sunny and calm

ENVIRONMENT: Eastern shoreline of Lake George in a mostly coniferous forest where a seasonal stream flowed into the lake.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Steve Kulls:

I spoke with this witness and both he and his wife have excellent ties to the community. What they described, the behaviors and the location all fall within the scope of Sasquatch activity in this area, which has an extremely rich history.

About BFRO Investigator Steve Kulls:

Steve is a licensed Private Investigator, in New York and is a trained forensic interviewer as well as being a former Firefighter / Medic.

Steve has appeared on the History Channel, the National Geographic Channel, (featured on several programs such as MonsterQuest, Paranatural and America's Book of Secrets), appeared on numerous local news programs around the country and national venues such as Fox and Friends and is the author of three books, "Fifty Large," "What Would Sasquatch Do?, " and "The Sasquatch Playbook."

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