DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Maryland > Anne Arundel County > Report # 5297
Report # 5297  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, November 12, 2002.
Campers hear animal groan, find tracks in the morning
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YEAR: 2001

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

STATE: Maryland

COUNTY: Anne Arundel County



NEAREST ROAD: Piney Orchard Prkwy

OBSERVED: I came across your webpage for a project at my school, Anne Arundel Community College, and I noticed that I had a similar story near that same area in Odenton.
My friends and I were camping along the Little Patuxent river-bed in August of 2001. It lies near the road, Piney Orchard Parkway, and railroad tracks but they are still used. Approximatley 2-3 a.m. we heard groaning and splashing in the water nearby. this was later confirmed later that morning though. When I heard the noise I thought it was one of my friends. So I peaked my head out to see but it was too dark so I yelled to "shutup" and the being ran away. Once again I thought it was my friends just playin around so I wasn't concerned and I didn't investigate.
When the sun rose we started packing up and notice huge footprints in the sand that led into the trees coming from the water. The stides were enormous, we could fit one of my shorter friends who is 5'4" between the prints easily. The size of the foot was very large about a size 19 or 20. I wear a 13 and it it dwarfed my shoesize. since then I have seen or heard nothing and we often go to that site for campfires and swimming.

ALSO NOTICED: footprints strides



TIME AND CONDITIONS: night 2-3 am warm muggy


Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Ron B.:

The railway is a different one from the previous reports in Anne Arundel county. This rail he was near is the Amtrack line, between Baltimore and Wash DC.
Ft G.G. Meade is in close proximity to this location.
No photos or accurate measurements of the tracks were taken.
Behaviour that was heard is known sasquatch behaviours.
The witness is a student, and a bright one at that. I dont think he misidentified these tracks..

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