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Geographical Index > United States > Massachusetts > Berkshire County > Report # 51847
Report # 51847  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, April 30, 2016.
Hikers have possible daytime encounter on state's highest peak, Mount Greylock
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YEAR: 2016

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April

DATE: 30

STATE: Massachusetts

COUNTY: Berkshire County

LOCATION DETAILS: Mount Greylock State Reservation, Cheshire Harbor Trail off West Mountain Rd, Adams, MA, heading southeast toward base of trail. Adams, MA.


NEAREST ROAD: Cheshire Harbor Trail: Rockwell Rd

OBSERVED: My wife and I started to make our descent from the summit of Mount Greylock during a morning hike. Approximately half a mile on the Cheshire Harbor Trail, close to Rockwell Rd, my wife and I heard a clapping sound. We stood in place for a few moments, listening to the sound. The "clapping" was non-rhythmic, sometimes there was one or two, other times there were many "claps". In between the "claps" there was sounds of something walking, breaking fallen branches as it moved. The sounds were about a distance of 100 feet from our position on the trail, within a thicker patch of woods. We listened for almost a full minute and then decided to continue on the trail, moving closer to the source of the sound. When we reached the area where we believed the clapping sound to be coming from we listened again and heard nothing and had seen no movement. Further down the trail I attempted figure out the sound. I did some tree knocking and banged rocks together, but only when I clapped my hands did it most closely match the sound my wife and I had heard. It was a sound that I have never heard before and it has sparked my interest into figuring out what animal made this noise.

ALSO NOTICED: There was other groups of hikers up at the summit, about .7 miles up the mountain. After we had our encounter, it was another 10 minutes of walking before we passed a group of hikers going up the trail. So that I know of, there was no one else present in the area besides my wife and I.

OTHER WITNESSES: My wife. Walking with my on the trail


TIME AND CONDITIONS: 11:20 A.M., Partly cloudy skies

ENVIRONMENT: About 3000 feet above sea level, deciduous forest

Mount Greylock State Reservation

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Jonathan Wilk:

I spoke with witness one day after the reported incident. The witness stated while descending from the summit of Mt. Greylock, he and his wife were walking the Cheshire Harbor Trail.

They were about a 100 yards down from Rockville Road. They were the only two on the trail at that point. No one else was in visual range. They both heard a clapping noise coming from about a 100 feet from the trail line to their left. The stopped and listened. He described the noise like two cupped hands clapping together. The noise was not very loud and non rhythmic. He attempted to reproduce the noise using rocks and sticks, however it was his cupped hands clapping that mimicked the sound more closely.

While listening they heard what they described as foot steps and stick snapping, compared to someone walking on forest debris. They continued on down the trail after a few minutes with no other incidents. They did pass several other hikers that were ascending shortly after experiencing the noises.

Both witnesses are avid hikers and outdoors enthusiast. The male witnesses states he has been interested in the Sasquatch mystery for many years and enjoys following the information available. He also states other members of his family having encounters over the years in New York State.

The witness was polite and thorough with recalling his incident. He spoke without hesitation and was happy someone reached out to him in a timely manner. He and his wife will continue to hike the area and report back any new findings. He was encouraged to carry a personal recorder and to keep a journal.

Mt. Greylock is the highest peak with a elevation of 3491ft and the first state park created in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is home to some of the states old growth forests and numerous recreational trails, including a section of the Appalachian Trail. The Mountain is located in the North West corner of the state and has been referenced by writers such as Melville, Hawthorne, Thoreau and others. There are plenty of fresh water sources and abundant wildlife. This mountain chain connects to The Green Mountains of Vermont as well as the neighboring New York Adirondacks. We have has several recent reports from the Berkshires. We will continue to monitor the area and report our findings.

On a side note, Adams, the Town where Mt. Greylock is located, is this investigators home town, I am very familiar with this location and hiked the trails most of my years living there. I am aware of multiple suspected sasquatch encounters in this area over the years

About BFRO Investigator Jonathan Wilk:

Founder and leader of Team Squatchachusetts. BFRO field investigator. Organized Massachusetts 2015, 2016 and 2017 Expeditions. Speaker at the 2019 Ohio Bigfoot Conference

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