Geographical Index > United States > Wisconsin > Marinette County > Report # 51419
(Class A)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, March 10, 2016.
Daylight sighting by a hunter on her hunting property near Pembine
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YEAR: 2014
SEASON: Fall MONTH: November DATE: 11/19/2014 STATE: Wisconsin COUNTY: Marinette County LOCATION DETAILS: Route 141 North into Marinette county, to Pembine, Wisconsin. NEAREST TOWN: Pembine Wisconsin OBSERVED: My mom seen a creature she could not explain on our hunting property it was crouched over. She said it turned to look at her and she knew it was no bear she called me right away to come look and when I looked at the spot it was it looked like something had covered tracks. OTHER WITNESSES: 2 only one of us seen it OTHER STORIES: I've heard animal calls I've never heard and there was a supposed sighting also by an ex-sheriffs deputy only about a mile away TIME AND CONDITIONS: Midday overcast skies ENVIRONMENT: Edge of my swamp. (Cedar swamp).
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Rick Reles:
I spoke with the submitter, the son, about the sighting his mother had on their property while deer hunting. It was 1:30 PM. Son was less than a mile away, also hunting, when his Mom saw the creature, and called him, very frightened. She saw it rise up up from a 4 point stance. It appeared to be looking over some tracks on the ground, in the light snow cover, stood, and looked at her. She described it as 600 pounds or more, large head, pointy ears on the side, and much larger than a bear. The creature had fur, and she seemed to have startled it, as she came upon it suddenly and was only 20 yards from it, when it stood up. She was scared, turned and ran to her tree stand and called her son.
He arrived, and scouted the area. He saw broken branches, tracks in the snow, and noticed bad smells. He had the eerie feeling of being watched. He has smelled these smells before in the area.
His mother said "I have never seen anything that big before in the woods".
These two are very experienced in the woods. They have seen bears, wolves and mountain lions. This was nothing they had ever experienced.
Report #48085 is one of two reports close to this location that I investigated prior.
About BFRO Investigator Rick Reles:

Rick has been on numerous BFRO expeditions over the last 7 years, and has been investigating witness experiences for 5 years in Wisconsin and Tennessee. He has three times published a guide book to Stick Structures found in the woods.