DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > West Virginia > Nicholas County > Report # 50469
Report # 50469  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, December 24, 2015.
Daytime observation through binoculars while hunting behind a home in Summersville
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YEAR: 2015


MONTH: November

DATE: 24th

STATE: West Virginia

COUNTY: Nicholas County

LOCATION DETAILS: The location is directly behind my house: xx xxxx xxxx Summersville,WV. 26651 My telephone # is xxx-xxx-xxxx. We have bear in this area a lot...this wasn't a bear.

NEAREST TOWN: Summersville


OBSERVED: On Nov. 24th 2015 I was hunting deer during FIREARM season back on the hill behind my house...I am going "bonkers" for lack of a better word, trying to process what I saw that day. I was walking up an old dirt road, the ground was wet, leaves etc. so I was very quiet. I reached an area where I was looking down into the forest , I raised up my binoculars because I, at that moment, was expecting to see a smaller black I was looking at its back I noticed a very thin white hair line running down the middle of its back...I thought that's a strange marking for a black bear...I continued watching this "creature" for quite a few minutes...I wanted to see its face...slowly it turned its head and as if it were looking into my eyes through the binoculars. Its face was solid black of the blackest night, very shiny, looked almost like black leather stretched tight, its nose was very wide and had huge nostrils, it seemed to be hunkered down by an old fallen tree and it was in the sunshine that was beaming through parts the forest, it had no hair on its face..everything was black ..its face looked human, I could see ears like mine only black its hair on its body was a lighter black than its face and somewhat thin (compared to a black bear's) and it wasn't dirty or mangled, it looked clean. In the mean time as I was steadily watching it, small sandstone rocks were coming down by me from the road above I didn't want to turn and look, I was watching the creature below me and figured it was chipmunks running around behind me causing small rocks to fall but after seeing that face I had to look...I saw nothing behind me...when I returned to using the binoculars and looking for it ...It was gone... no sound what-so-ever. I now feel that something behind me was trying to get my attention so it could get away. Someone said that it was probably a man in one of those strange looking suits to hunt reply was "he needs to get mental help immediately for the fact that everyone on this mountain this week are carrying high powered rifles". (I never once felt scared or threatened, all was calm) I saw no limbs arms legs.. I was focused on its head... It wasn't huge like the width of I stated before from behind looked like a small bear (except it had a human like face)... I would appreciate any feed back. (forgot to mention that in October and part of November during bow season I heard some very strange sounds during 3 of my hunting days up there...I call them "jungle sounds" ooh ooh ooh aah aah aah woooo repeated at a fast pace)

ALSO NOTICED: heard "jungle sounds" on 3 different days


OTHER STORIES: There was a hunter who I told about my sighting of this creature and he told me someone else saw something on the same day as I did and she said it wasn't a bear...I was wanting to talk to the lady about what she saw... asked the same hunter about this again and his story changed... I'm not afraid to say what I saw because I saw it, I am 53 years old.

The sun was shining through parts of the forest. Had rained earlier. Was cool but not freezing.

ENVIRONMENT: forest- there is a dirt road that goes to the satellite towers or cellular towers.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Russ Jones:

I have communicated with the witness several times and am very familiar with the area personally. I can confirm this is a reliable report and a believable witness. In addition to what she filled out in the form I can add the following:

The witness was between 55 and 65 yards from the creature. The sighting lasted between 12 and 15 minutes. She began to hear the rocks falling around her soon after she saw the creature but was determined to not look away until she saw the creatures face. She believes it eventually looked at her because she was saying "What is it? What is it?" out loud. When she was able to look at the face, in addition to what she stated above, she noticed that the hair line started back farther on the head than you would expect with a human.

Upon the return home of her husband and hearing the story, he went up on the hill to look around. He found six Locust trees twisted off. One top remained, but the other tops from the remaining five Locust trees were gone. It takes an unbelievable amount of strength to twist a tree several inches in diameter, let alone a Locust tree. I'm curious if this is related, and if so, what would the trees possibly be used for other than the makings of a nest. See photos:

Like all of West Virginia, the Summersville area is prime Bigfoot habitat. It has food, resources, water and remote woodlands. There is a long history of Bigfoot sightings in the area.

I have instructed the witness in the idea of creating a gifting station to include foodstuffs in a means inaccessible to other animals, with the hopes that a Bigfoot may be staying in the general area. We must continue to innovate in hopes of obtaining acceptable scientific evidence.

On a side note, investigators talk often about "never take your eyes off the Bigfoot". There are many stories across the country of a witness seeing a Bigfoot and then being distracted by vocals, stick breaks, or rock throwing, only to look back and find the Bigfoot gone.

About BFRO Investigator Russ Jones:

Dr. Jones brings a background of hunting, trapping and outdoor experiences together with undergraduate and graduate education. He is a master naturalist and has attended numerous public and private expeditions. He has led expeditions for the BFRO in Ohio and West Virginia. He has written two Bigfoot books, the last “The Appalachian Bigfoot” was an Amazon best selling book. He hosts the Wide Open Research Podcast on the Untold Radio Network. Dr. Jones may be contacted at

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