Geographical Index > United States > Missouri > Reynolds County > Report # 49971
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, October 12, 2015.
Possible whoops heard while stargazing near Van Buren
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YEAR: 2015
SEASON: Fall MONTH: October DATE: 10/11/15 STATE: Missouri COUNTY: Reynolds County LOCATION DETAILS: From U.S. Highway 60 near Van Buren Missouri Go north on 21 highway cross into Reynolds county the first county road on the right go to the end of the road and it will fork stay to the right through the sawmill you can see the fire tower from highway 21 NEAREST TOWN: Van Buren NEAREST ROAD: State highway 21 OBSERVED: On 10-11-2015 at approximately 10 pm I was driving around and thought I would stargaze at the old conservation fire tower on 21 highway near the old 21 drive-in. I parked my truck by the picnic table. I turned off my truck and got out looking at the stars. It was just a moment and I noticed a whooping call it sounded like a monkey at the zoo. I listened for a good 20 minutes the call was the same a whoop whoop then a pause for a short time then another whoop whoop. It sounded like it was coming from the heavily wooded valley below me. ALSO NOTICED: I didnt see anything only heard the whoops OTHER WITNESSES: Just me TIME AND CONDITIONS: Clear night approximately 10 pm ENVIRONMENT: Near sawmill,conservation fire tower with picnic area secluded heavily wooded
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Brian R. Woods:

I spoke with the witness during a telephone interview, and we went over the details of this night. After arriving at the fire tower, the witness decided to exit his vehicle for a better view of the stars and the night sky. He describes the area as having a valley down below, enabling a great view in that direction. The witness states that from east of the tower, estimated 150-200 yards away, he heard a strong, high pitched "whoop....whoop" sound. He mentioned during the call more than once that he was sure it was an animal sound that he had never heard before, except for maybe a primate at a zoo. He also said that he got the impression that the animal was "young sounding" due to it's vocal qualities being very smooth and almost youthful in nature.
The sounds repeated in an identical pattern, with a long pause in between, several times. This went on for twenty minutes. The witness determined that the animal was gradually moving from one side of the valley to the other, but not necessarily farther away. Each set of "whoops" came from a slightly different location, but still maintaining at the distance of around 150 yards. After listening intently for a while, the witness returned to his vehicle, where he spent several more minutes before leaving.
The witness has asked that his occupation not be included in the report, but it apparently affords him significant time during overnight hours in this area, and he feels quite familiar with more run of the mill animal sounds. This, mixed with his lifelong hunting and outdoor experiences, leads him to be confident that the sounds he heard where unlike any others he had ever experienced.
About BFRO Investigator Brian R. Woods:
Brian is a former Emergency Medical Technician, as well as an outdoor enthusiast, and proud Scouting father. He's been a lifelong resident of the Midwest, surrounded by many miles of Missouri forests, waterways, and wildlife.