DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Leelanau County > Report # 47557
Report # 47557  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, January 5, 2015.
Possible night time knocks startle a woman out of her sleep near Traverse City
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YEAR: 2014

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: December

DATE: 29

STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Leelanau County

LOCATION DETAILS: Same location as incident in Leelanau county you have posted. East Fouch Rd near the lake and swamps

NEAREST TOWN: Traverse City Michigan


OBSERVED: At 4:30 am my wife woke up hearing a sound that could be described as tree knocking. Seven knocks, she then woke me up but I did not hear the noise. The next day I researched tree knocking and found your website. This made me think about 2 other incidents. In the summer of 2013 we heard a loud growl in the woods and I thought it may be a bear even though no bears have been seen in the area. The other incident happened while we were sleeping and I was awakened by a smell that drifted in the bedroom window. I thought it was a skunk odor but my wife disagreed, it was like no skunk we ever smelled before.
The other incident reported on your website was on East Fouch Rd and that's where we live. So now I believe our 2013 incidents could have been a bigfoot.

ALSO NOTICED: We looked for any evidence or footprints but it snowed again...

OTHER WITNESSES: My wife and I were sleeping and noise awakened her and then she woke me up because it scared her.

OTHER STORIES: Yes on your website. The area described in that incident describes where we live...

Temperature around 32 degrees
about an inch of snow on the ground but the skies were clear

ENVIRONMENT: Incident happened to the east of our house at the edge of the woods. There is a forest across the street and Lake Leelanau is nearby. This area has lots of swamp land and trees...

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Kim Fleming:

The witness described his wife hearing wood knocks originally, then both of them hearing wood knocking again a couple weeks later. Both incidents happened in the early morning hours. The first incident consisted of seven knocks and occurred at 4:30 a.m. on December 29th, 2014. A second wood knocking incident occurred about two weeks later, and occurred at about 6:30 am. This time, there were three knocks, a pause, then 3 more knocks. Both the witness and his wife heard the knocks that time. When I questioned the witness about the intensity or volume of the knocks, he described them as "low volume, but like a baseball bat hitting against a tree." Two other possible incidents occurred in the summer. The first one included being awakened in the middle of the night to a horrible smell, "like a mix of skunk and human....much worse than a skunk!" Another incident the witness described was hearing "a roar" not like a bear, but from something big. It was not like anything he was familiar with. He also stated that "there used to be a lot of coyotes around here, but they are gone too."

The witness lives on a 10 acre parcel within a mile of two other reported incidents. Across the road from him is a large, swampy area with a corridor that runs along the lake and leads to a swampy marshy area that is about 5 miles wide. He described his property as six acres of mixed wood forest and the other 4 acres are partially cleared. He also stated that they used to have a huge problem with small game, squirrels, raccoons, getting into the bird feeders. But since 2013, "there is very little small game left. They seem to have disappeared....rabbits, squirrels, raccoons!" The witness also stated that he disposed of food items just off the back porch in the winter, but in the summer, they have a scrap pile out in the woods.

"We have a pig roast every summer, and we take the pig head and dump it in the scrap pile. Something always comes and takes that head".

Report #42056 is the nearby report mentioned. I did go out to the site, but found no current evidence.

The witness recently emailed me to let me know that the "smell is back!"

About BFRO Investigator Kim Fleming:

Kim is a high school science teacher and uses Bigfoot research techniques to teach about scientific method. She has been interested in researching Bigfoot since 2008 and her husband experienced a sighting in Florida in 1976. Her interests include hiking, being outdoors, birding and working with young adults. Kim attended the 2012 and 2013 Michigan UP expedition and has done research in northern Michigan.

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