DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > North Carolina > Montgomery County > Report # 47026
Report # 47026  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, November 10, 2014.
Camper is subjected to possible intimidation behavior in the Uwharrie National Forest
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YEAR: 2014


MONTH: November

DATE: 8th

STATE: North Carolina

COUNTY: Montgomery County

LOCATION DETAILS: Where the Dutchman and Uwharrie recreational trails cross take the North section. On a Topo map it is the first campsite at the creek to the right at the bottom of the hill. There are timbers around a fire pit. You can see it as you come down the large hill.



OBSERVED: I was camping with a friend in the Uwharrie National Forest. We camped by the first creek bottom on the North section of Dutchmans Trail. We turned into our hammocks about 7:30pm and soon everything started. I heard a lot of moving about on the other side of a nearly dry creek bed around 8:00 pm. The movement was a large animal by the sound of the larger branches breaking. The animal came across the creek near a spot we had been using as our latrine. I turned on my headlamp and yelled out "go on" thinking bear or something. The movement stopped but then started closer to the camp so I yelled out again. Then I got a bit scared when two rocks were smashed together "bang, bang (pause) then bang bang" again. This freaked me out a bit so I yelled again. Then above me on the hillside I heard something being thrown through the woods and landing further down the small valley we were in. Then the day birds started chirping in an arc across the hill side. Not long after an owl started hooting quite far away. Dogs started barking all over the forest and the owl stopped. Then I heard a wail deeper in the woods and it seemed like after the wail the woods went back to normal. I have spent a lot of time in the woods but this chain of events that went on from 8:00pm to around 12:00 am has unnerved me a bit. I knew of these creatures but half believed in them but I have had an experience that has changed how I feel in the woods at night.

ALSO NOTICED: Crunching branches, stones being walked on, stones being banged together and a long wail

OTHER WITNESSES: My good friend Mark was there but he didn't hear anything but the dogs and we did not communicate during because I thought I was losing my mind.

OTHER STORIES: I had no idea this was something that happened here until I looked it up on the Internet.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm
Clear Weather Hi of 55 low of 32
Waning gibbous moon 96% illumination
Moonrise 7pm.

ENVIRONMENT: Creek bottom, several downed trees.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Larry Sidwell:

I spoke with the witness by phone three days after his encounter and the details of the activity were very fresh on his mind.

The witness is ex-military and has spent a great deal of time in the woods.

He and his friend were camping at the intersection of the Dutchmans Creek trail and the Uwharrie trail. They both went to bed around 7:30pm. the activity began around 8:00pm. It started with loud crashing, limb breaks and intimidating behavior. He heard something walking in arcs just above their campsite, and it kept going back and forth crashing trees and being extremely noisy. The witness yelled at it to "go on". Things got quiet for a minute but started back with movement closer to camp. It crossed the dry creek bed which was about 100 feet from camp. Rocks being banged together loudly numerous times was heard. The witness yelled again, this was at 9pm, then a large rock went thru the trees and landed very nearby. He also noticed daytime birds chirping in an arc above their camp site, and an owl hooting. He noted he felt the woods felt different, with a strange energy level. Things quieted down after awhile. Then he heard dogs barking everywhere and at midnight heard a long loud "wailing' sound. He described it as along drawn out vocalization that sounded like it was in pain. I imitated the Ohio - Moaning Howl for him and he said that was exactly the sound he heard.

The witness was extremely disturbed by all this activity and they immediately left the area the next morning, he described himself as "freaked" out by these events. His views of the woods have been changed.

The Uwharries have been a "hotbed" of Sasquatch activity over the years. Montgomery County, North Carolina leads the state in reports. It has the perfect conditions for a large biped to exist. There is a mixture of farmland and remote forests, which provide cover and food. Waterways are abundant, with the Uwharrie River and its tributaries, Badin Lake and Lake Tillary to the West, with abundant wildlife, deer, rabbits, wild turkeys, raccoons, opossum and water fowl.

About BFRO Investigator Larry Sidwell:

Larry became interested in Bigfoot at an early age after viewing the Patterson - Gimlin footage. Spent a lot of time in his youth hiking and exploring his families' farms in Clark County, Kentucky. Now resides in Bridgeport,WV.

BFRO public expeditions Larry has attended: 2012 West Virginia, 2013 Kentucky, 2013 West Virginia, 2013 Western North Carolina, 2014 North Carolina, 2014 ,Kentucky (Bluegrass Region), 2017 Maryland, 2019 Western Kentucky, 2020 Kentucky, 2021 Pennsylvania, 2021 Kentucky, 2022 South Carolina, 2022 Fall Tennessee, 2022 Kentucky.

Private expeditions Larry has attended: 2013 SEBFRO Nantahalla National Forest, 2014 Winter Uwharrie National Forest, 2014 Pisgah National Forest, 2014 Fall Uwharrie National Forest, 2015 Croatan National Forest, 2015 Forbes State Forest, Pennsylvania, 2015 Uwharrie National Forest, 2016 KBRO Kentucky, 2016 Monongahela National Forest, 2017 Monongahela National Forest, 2018 Southwest Virginia, 2019 KBRO Kentucky, 2021 KBRO Kentucky, 2021 ECE Spring Monongahela NationalForest, 2021 Fall ECE Monongahela, 2022 KBRO Spring Kentucky, 2022 KBRO Fall Expetion.

Conferences attended: 2013 Midnight Walkers Southeastern Bigfoot Conference, Dahlonega Georgia, and the 2014 and 2019 Ohio Bigfoot Conference, 2021 Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference, 2021 Cryptid Con Lexington, Ky, 2022 Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference, Gatlinburg, TN.

2023 BFRO West Virginia Expedition organizer
2024 BFRO West Virginia Spring Expedition organizer
2024 BFRO West Virginia Fall Expedition organizer

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