DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Wyoming > Park County > Report # 4692
Report # 4692  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, July 23, 2002.
Noon sighting by family of four near Mount Washburn, Yellowstone National Park
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YEAR: 2002

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 19

STATE: Wyoming

COUNTY: Park County

LOCATION DETAILS: It was on a ridge on a road in Mt. Washburn, Wyoming.

NEAREST TOWN: Canyon Junction, WY - YNP

NEAREST ROAD: Grand Loop Road

OBSERVED: I was in my parent's car on the northwest side of Mt. Washburn in Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming when my mom,dad,brother,and I saw a humanoid figure,too tall to be human walking upright along a ridge around 300 yards off. It looked hairy, and between 8 and 10 feet tall. It was around noon and it was partly cloudy and my family was scanning the ridge for bighorn sheep when we saw it.

ALSO NOTICED: We had head of anything unusual before, during or after the sighting.

OTHER WITNESSES: Including me, 4 people saw as we were scouting a ridge for bighorn sheep.

OTHER STORIES: My family hadn't of odd incidents in this area.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was partly cloudy, and was about noon at the time.

ENVIRONMENT: It was on a ridge with trees scattered around.

Follow-up investigation report:

The witness and his parents were interviewed by telephone on 4 August 2002 by R.D. McCuistion, Wyoming Investigator. Because the witness is a minor, I spoke with his mother, the witness, and his father in turn. All three were consistent in their recollection of the sighting and are considered to be credible. As they drove north along Grand Loop Road in the vicinity of Mount Washburn in Yellowstone National Park, they observed a dark bipedal animal silhouetted on a ridge about 300 to 400 yards from them walking purposefully across a clearing between stands of trees. The animal’s direction of movement was southerly. The biped was described by all as being about eight to nine feet tall, covered with dark brown hair, having a robust upper body with a large, wide chest and shoulders and walking upslope much as human would -- slightly bent forward as a person might be if they were using a walking stick. Arm swing was implied. The witness’ mother stated that she looked for a snout, but saw none although the animal was in profile. The witness’ father stated that he observed the biped as it took about 15 to 20 steps before losing sight of it. The witnesses variously observed the biped for five to twenty seconds. The location of the sighting was within two minutes driving time of the Mount Washburn Ranger Station cut-off.

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