Geographical Index > United States > Missouri > Reynolds County > Report # 46826
(Class A)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, October 25, 2014.
Nighttime sighting by three hunters camping near Ellington
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YEAR: 2014
SEASON: Fall MONTH: October DATE: 17th STATE: Missouri COUNTY: Reynolds County NEAREST TOWN: Ellington NEAREST ROAD: 106 OBSERVED: Me, my uncle and son was bow hunting for deer and had set us a camp alongside of a food plot that the state park had planted for the wildlife. The day was October the 17, 2014 at approximately 10 pm. We were at camp sitting around the camp fire, when these woops and low growls started happening around us. My uncle went into the camper and got his mag flashlight which produces a very bright light, and started scanning the food plot. As he was scanning it, we saw this reflection which resembled a light shining off of a mirror. Now the reflection came from behind a tree top or brush pile, when we saw it the whole tree top began to shake and move around. Soon the tree top stopped moving and then we heard these footsteps moving through the woods behind the food plot. Well, fear soon set in and we all made our way to the camper went in and locked the door behind us. After an hour or so, I had to bleed my bladder like something fierce. However, after what I saw, I refused to go outside by myself. So with a little persuasion, my uncle and son decided to go out with me. Almost immediately, the woops, howls, and the low growls started up. My uncle just could not resist himself, so the flashlight came on and started scanning the field again. After my business was complete, I parked myself beside the fire while my son and uncle done some more investigating. All of a sudden, hands started waving, and the call come here, come here, was told to me. Still afraid and shaken up by the previous experience, I wasn’t too interested in what they were seeing. However, I made my way over to them to see what was going on. But for some reason, I just could not see what they were seeing. “Look there by the tree, see it, see it.” Soon I saw this movement, like an arm sliding down this tree, and behold there it was, a Big Foot. O my God, I could not believe it, there standing beside this White Oak tree this massive creature was standing there with his right arm wrapped around this tree trying to blend in with it I guess. The next morning we went and hunted again, and on our way back to camp, my son and I stopped on what we have named, “Big Foot Ridge,” because every time we hunt there, these Big Foots just will not leave us alone so we can hunt. However, a BFRO expedition was in progress there lead by Ron. My son and I stopped by to see if they were still there and thank God he was. We told him what had happened, he followed back to our campsite and done his own investigation, which included measuring what we had seen, and the creature stood approximately 7’5” All of my life I have heard tales of Big Foots, personal experiences, and never believed that I myself would ever see one, now I have. ALSO NOTICED: Just woops followed by low growls, howls followed with coyotes yelling OTHER WITNESSES: three including myself OTHER STORIES: We found a fellow hunter who was making his way back to their camp passed Rd. 12 and saw this hairy creature kneeling down in the Road. When he stopped to take a closer look, this creature stood up on two feet, when he saw this he left in quite a hurry. TIME AND CONDITIONS: approximately 10 pm ENVIRONMENT: Food plot with plenty of White Oaks on forest property
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Carter Buschardt:
I have spent a good deal of time with this witness. Camped and ran night ops with he and the family members mentioned in this report, and fellow investigators. He (they), have had several encounters, and his stories ring true and never waiver. We were in the very general area when he had the sighting mentioned in this report, literally a mile or so away. They hunt and fish to feed their family, not really for sport. They feel the Squatches come around to try to steal their game they have worked so hard for, and they are both shocked and frustrated by the seemingly constant visitations. As hunters and fishermen, they have a knack for picking some really great areas, and these would be considered very Squatchy by any knowledgeable investigators. I could not pick any better areas for night ops than they pick to hunt. I had a visual sighting through my thermal less than a mile from their campsite. Myself, Ron Boles, and Gregg Stade, all investigators, had met the witness (and previously mentioned family members), last year. We went camping with them at another location where they had endured a night of multiple creatures circling their camp, trying to get at their kill of wild pig and deer. We were cut short on our night ops by an ice storm approaching the area. Very credible witnesses, all of them. This report event occurred during my fall 2014 expedition, and my entire group was on hand to run night ops in the immediate vicinity of his encounter.
About BFRO Investigator Carter Buschardt:

Carter is originally from Texas & moved to Missouri in 1988. Professional drummer for 20 years. Improv & sketch comic and writer for 5 years. Lighting technician for major touring groups for several years. Experienced outdoorsman and was a trained investigator for MUFON. Studied Herpetology in college. Longtime special interest in Sasquatch long term habituation, burial research, infra sound, language & stick structures. He led three Missouri BFRO Public Expeditions:, 2012 & 2013 & 2014. Led public expedition for BFRO in Illinois in 2019.Participated in Iowa, 2012 Illinois. Michigan 2016. Private Expeditions: Illinois 2011, 2012, 2013. Missouri 2011, 2012 (3) 2013(2) 2014. Iowa 2012, 2014 & 2015. Consulted on two Animal Planet Finding Bigfoot TV shows. Expedition leader in Missouri 2013 (1) & 2014 (2) & Illinois Expedition 2019 (1). Led night ops on numerous BFRO expeditions. Hosted a public Town Hall meeting in Missouri in 2017.