DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Massachusetts > Franklin County > Report # 46780
Report # 46780  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Friday, October 17, 2014.
Possible nighttime sighting while driving over a bridge near Charlemont
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YEAR: 2006

SEASON: Summer

STATE: Massachusetts

COUNTY: Franklin County

LOCATION DETAILS: See my post, near MP 410 on the railroad track, overhead route 2 bridge

NEAREST TOWN: Charlemont


OBSERVED: Approx. summer of 2000, I was on Negus Mountain in Rowe, MA (Franklin County) with my wife, sitting on the tailgate...we heard something in the woods, about 100 yards away, walking towards us. As it got closer, it started to walk faster. As a life long hunter, I at first told her not to worry, it's a squirrel or something. As this creature got closer, my ears and experience told me that this was a biped, only 2 feet crunching through the leaves. My wife was so freaked out that we had to leave immediately before I could investigate more.

Fast Forward to 2006, I was driving to work one night for the 2300 job in East Deerfield, MA. I remember I was running a little late, so I was probably speeding, and the time would have been 2230ish. It was raining lightly. In West Charlemont, at the end of so-called Tea Street Extension, there is a bridge that carries the road over the railroad tracks. This is about 2-3 miles (the way the bird flies) from the encounter above. What I saw was something standing perfectly still behind the guardrail. It was about 6, maybe 6 and a half feet tall, had long brown hair all over it's body, and was stock still. I drive this route almost daily (or nightly, in my case) for over 12 years, I know what belongs and what doesn't. This did not belong. I turned around and went back, and it was gone. Being late for work, I turned around again and went to work. I have never had any doubt that I saw a Sasquatch. I haven't reported it because I don't want people to think I am a crackpot. I just recently told my father about it, who told me to look into any organizations such as yours.

OTHER WITNESSES: 1st incident, my wife, who was sitting on the tailgate with me chatting. 2nd incident, no one else.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: @ 2230 hrs dark and light rain

ENVIRONMENT: valley/river area, mountains on all sides

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Lisa Gilmore:

I spoke to the witness at great length over the phone. He seemed to be very credible and willing to discuss his experiences.

He told me about the first encounter that his wife and he had had where something was moving in the woods coming towards their location. Having been a hunter all of his life, this sounded to be a large bipedal creature that made heavy footsteps. His wife had a very uneasy felling about being there and they both left without ever getting a clear look at it.

His second encounter took place several years later while he was driving to work late at night. He only saw the creature for a few seconds as he drove past.

Google Earth Image of the Area:

According to the witness, it was approximately six to seven feet tall with dark brown hair covering its entire body. The fur was very shaggy looking and seemed to be a few inches long. Although he said he never really got a clear look at the face, he knew that it wasn't a bear or a person standing by the highway at night in the rain. When he turned around to go back for another look, it was gone.

I have have been out to both areas that the witness had his encounters. On both occasions, I heard wood knocks near to my location. The second time I was investigating the area, I did observe large tracks near to a hiking trail that lead up the mountain into a rocky outcrop. The tracks were too melted out to be sure if they had indeed been made by a sasquatch.

This bridge is on the edge of the Mohican Trail State Forest, over 6,000 acres of mountain ridges, deep gorges and tall old-growth trees.

About BFRO Investigator Lisa Gilmore:

Lisa grew up in rural upstate New York where she learned tracking and woodland survival skills at a young age. Her family has a strong Native American heritage and she was raised on the Lakota legends of Sasquatch. She currently spends her spare time in the field where she is studying behaviors and migration patterns in both New York and Northern New Jersey.

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