DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Florida > Flagler County > Report # 46728
Report # 46728  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Friday, October 10, 2014.
Ongoing activity and sightings on a hunting lease in central Florida (witness sketch included)
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YEAR: 2012-2015


MONTH: September

DATE: 20

STATE: Florida

COUNTY: Flagler County


OBSERVED: I have been hunting a large tract of private land for a little over 3 years now. It is comprised of planted pine hardwood, and cypress swamps. It is bordered on all sides by other large tracts of private land and WMA's that connect to Ocala National Forest.The first encounter occurred in 2012 during archery season, At dusk as I sat in camo in a tree stand at dusk I heard a blood curdling scream in a small swamp close to my stand. Then heavy footprints circled behind me where I could not see. An object came hurdling through the trees and passed above me. Then a few minutes later a stone hit the tree I was in just below me. At that point I stood up and yelled in that direction and made my way back to the truck. Since that time myself and everyone that I have taken hunting in this section of the lease has had some type of encounter. Either the murder scream, knocks, tree breaks, stone throws or a howl. I have had 2 daylight sightings in the swamp. The first was as I was setting up a tree stand. I heard a crash and looked and saw an all black creature peaking from behind a large cypress tree. It was apx. 7 ft tall, thick and muscular. The second was as I went into a stand to put down feed at apx. 11am. I walked up on one either napping or resting in a patch of very thick brush. I watched as it ran in long strides into the swamp out of sight. It was apx.7-8 ft tall, all back, and built more like a NFL linebacker. Lean and muscular. Since that time we refer to them as the "twins". I continue to hunt and go there. I feel they know its me and choose to either ignore me or mess with me. I have taken people to this area at night to try to experience what me and my hunting buddies have heard. On all occasions we had good results with either knocks, howls or tree breaks and thrown objects.

ALSO NOTICED: We have found a few tracks and tree breaks throughout the area.

OTHER WITNESSES: 5 total, at different times.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: normally at dusk and dawn.

ENVIRONMENT: planted pine, some hardwoods and dense cypress swamp.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator R. Monteith:

The witness is an experienced Florida outdoorsman, having been a fishing guide and recreational hunter. He has leased the property in central Florida for several years and has had ongoing activity the entire time.

He spoke of screams, sticks and rocks thrown at him and his friends, tree knocks, heavy steps and sightings. Several of his friends were so intimidated by these occurrences they have chosen not to hunt with him again despite being heavily armed.

On two occasions he saw two different black sasquatches. His family now refers to the two as the 'Twins'.

Because the 'Twins' have shown such strong aggressive behavior he was extremely concerned about our follow-up investigation. The property is difficult to get to and remote. Investigator Marian Gant and Investigator Dr. Robert S. were escorted to the property by the witness for a night investigation. The witness was apprehensive about spending the night there.

The investigators got a return knock from one of theirs, however the night was cut short due to a thunderstorm.

The witness continues to have the 'Twins' react to his presence. He is now hunting on a section north of the property to give them their space.

This witness reported a sighting he and two of his clients had in 2011, report #29529.

When he contacted us about his latest encounters, he admitted becoming more aware of sasquatch behavior because of that initial “surreal” encounter and questioned why the creatures appeared to look so different. The one he saw on Merritt Island looked more human in the face, whereas the two seen on his hunting lease appeared to resemble a gorilla more than a man. I explained that we receive reports and descriptions of both characteristics.

BFRO Investigator Sybilla Irwin worked with him on the following sketch. The two were not seen standing next to each other as the sketch shows, the artist decided to create an image that has both of the twins in it. The witness said they were alike in the face, only the second one was stocky and shorter.

The location of the property shall not be disclosed because of the witness' concern for them. The investigation continues.

Witness sketch created by BFRO artist Sybilla Irwin

About BFRO Investigator R. Monteith:

Re Monteith has had a life-long interest in Bigfoot and has an extensive background in outdoor land and ocean survival as well as mountaineering. She has tran-sailed the Atlantic, backpacked in remote places throughout the world and has climbed three of the seven summits. She studied International Relations at Florida International University, and is a Financial and Real Estate Consultant. She has participated in many private expeditions as well as the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 BFRO North Florida Expeditions and the 2013 BFRO UP Michigan & Alabama Expedition. She also organized Florida's 2017 Town Hall Meeting. She was an Executive Producer of the documentary film, "Skunk Ape Lives" and featured as a Crypto Expert on The Science Channel's television show, Strange Evidence for seasons 2 - 5.

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