DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Kentucky > Logan County > Report # 46334
Report # 46334  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, August 23, 2014.
Guy exploring creeks finds tracks then growled at by large dark figure 10mi northeast of Russellville
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YEAR: 2014

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 18&22 nd

STATE: Kentucky

COUNTY: Logan County

NEAREST TOWN: Bowling Green

OBSERVED: On June, 18, 2014 I set out to find where two creeks merge back in the woods. On the left of a old wagon road i noticed a 17 inch footprint at the edge of the road/path. A few feet farther another 7.5 inch footprint next too a tree about 3 feet high on the bank overlooking where the creeks merge.

Left my casting material in the truck; therefore, decided to walk back after taking pics. Sunday afternoon the 22nd and after a few days of rains went back a different way. While walking next to the woods in a corn field i heard something trailing me in the woods. Determined it was somewhat large with all the noise it was making breaking branches and logs on the ground. Went past the location where the creeks merge and doubled back. Walked towards the creeks and noticed a footprint in the field. The toes section was gone but the other 2/3rd of the foot was still there. A small print was on the back right side of the adults heal print about 2.5 to 3 inches long. Placed my backpack next to the print because no others around. The farmer had cultivated the field.

Walked to the creeks and chased something into the creek. It was large by the sound of the splash, like a belly busted splash sound. It ran off and started making growls. It would do a growl then a second later do another growl. Then a few seconds 5 to 10 seconds of silence then another set of two growls. Did this for eight sets of growls and then i did a whoop, after that whoop... silence - not another sound. Spent days looking for growls like what i heard and on Legends Beware a video taken on 12/July/2013 at the counter mark of .18 and especially 1.40 is the growl. I have been back and left peanut butter but no other tracks except a lot of deer tracks. Believe they may be from a area to the west that people have noticed years before, it was getting too populated for them. ?

ALSO NOTICED: Have been back and nothing else but will go back to gift. Did notice a few trees placed at approx. 45 degrees against another tree up a hill and along the trail.

OTHER WITNESSES: Just me following a Creek

OTHER STORIES: About ten to twelve miles north i heard about howls and whoops in the woods behind houses. The son was telling a friend of mine about hearing howls in the early mornings, he works night shift. His mother asked him what animal makes whoop sounds. Like i said earlier reported to me howls, foot step sounds and tree shaking to the west approx. 7 to 10 away.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Mid afternoon both times with a sunny sky

ENVIRONMENT: It is a wooded area with a corn fiels on the left side, no houses or roads near by.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Jack Smarr:

I spoke with this witness on the phone.

Further details:

Witness returned to the foot print site on Sunday using a different route. While en route witness stated that something big, escorted him through the woods to the site. He said that it did not make any pretension of stealth and was in fact breaking branches along the way in a very loud manner.

He further stated that he found two new tracks near the original two reported. One of the new tracks was fifteen inches in length. Inside the heel of that track was a very small track measuring two and one half inches in length.

The crashing of the branches and brush stopped and he noted that there was a large blackish hairy figure peeking from behind a tree across the creek about 100 feet away. He could not identify features beyond that it was big and hairy. Brush and trees obscured a clear view. The growls began shortly there after in sets of two. He described the growls as guttural and from deep inside of the chest. One growl, then another was followed by five seconds of silence. Then the pattern repeated. The witness stated that he was not scared but got the message of "I am here, and you better stay over there."

Finally he let out a whoop and everything went quiet.

The witness visits this site about two times a year leaving jars of unopened peanut butter taped to a tree as high as he can reach. He has never found any trace of the peanut butter jar or tape upon his return.

[Note from Matt Moneymaker:

This witness provided lat/long coordinates. Based on those coordinates the zone he's describing is near the confluence of Wiggington Creek and Gasper River, roughly 10 miles northeast of Russellville Kentucky, and 17 southeast of Bowling Green.

He mentions vocalizations reported 10 to 12 miles north of that location. That area would be near the Gasper River also, so that is probably the stream it moves along, if it is still around there.

About BFRO Investigator Jack Smarr:

Jack Smarr is retired military and worked primarily in Field Artillery, Armored Cavalry and Armor units. He participated in TN 09,10,11,WV 2012 expeditions; and helped organize KY 2013 expedition. He organized the 2014 KY Daniel Boone Expedition, the 2015 Central Kentucky Expedition, the 2016 Carter Caves State Park Expedition, Northeastern Kentucky 2017, Kentucky 2018 and has conducted private expeditions in Eastern Kentucky and Southern Ohio.

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