DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Arizona > Coconino County > Report # 46243
Report # 46243  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, August 11, 2014.
Passengers travelling to the Arizona Snowbowl ski area have a possible daytime sighting
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YEAR: 2014

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 10

STATE: Arizona

COUNTY: Coconino County

LOCATION DETAILS: Halfway up Snowbowl Rd., before reaching the Arizona Snowbowl chairlifts.


NEAREST ROAD: Snowbowl Rd.

OBSERVED: While in flagstaff, AZ, my husband, mother-in-law, and I decided to take a chairlift ride. As we drove up snow bowl rd to reach the Arizona Snowbowl, we saw a large tall figure walking in long strides through the trees. I would say about 40 yards from the desolate road. As an avid "Finding Bigfoot" watcher, our sighting was everything we heard/saw on the show. The squatch had to have been at least 8 or 9 feet tall. It was too far away to make out any features, but the way it walked, the posture, and dark brown/black color it was unmistakeable. Definitely not a bear or deer. We saw the creature take two long strides through the trees and "disappear". A feeling came over us of shock/fear/amazement. I had goosebumps all over my body.

ALSO NOTICED: Did not notice any other wildlife. Location was eerie and quiet.

OTHER WITNESSES: 2 witnesses (including myself) in a car of 3 passengers. Witnesses were looking out the windows on the passenger side of the car. Driver did not see the sighting.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Time: roughly 2pm. Weather: overcast, cloudy, with showers and lighting in the distance.

ENVIRONMENT: Pine/birch forest on a mountainside.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Chuck Jacobs:

I spoke with the reporting party (RP) at length by telephone, and the following can be added:

- The creature was seen from a slowly moving car through a gap in the trees, at an estimated distance of 150 feet.
- Both the RP (front seat, passenger side) and her mother-in-law (rear seat, passenger side) clearly saw the creature. The RP’s husband was driving and did not see it.
- The creature was walking at an angle away from the RP, so only the left side and the back were seen.
- The sighting lasted approximately five seconds.
- The RP advised that in the brief time that they observed the creature, it took two long strides, with significant arm swing, before the car moved beyond the point where they could see it.
- The arms appeared very long, the shoulders appeared very broad, and no neck was visible.
- The creature was very large, 8-9 feet tall, and was much too big and proportioned wrong to have been a human.
- Due to the shadows and the brief nature of the sighting, the RP could not give any detail as to the hair, other than the color, which was described as black or very dark brown.
- As in many sightings of this type, it was over before the RP fully realized what they were seeing. She reported feeling an instant, intense feeling of fear. There was no other traffic, so her husband offered to stop and back up. She said that she was so frightened that she told him to “just go.”

There is a long history of occasional Bigfoot activity around Flagstaff and the San Francisco Peaks. The entire Peaks area sees very heavy human recreational use, so it is unlikely that there is a resident Bigfoot population living there, but as we know some of these individual creatures roam over vast distances, and can turn up just about anywhere at any time.

The RP was very articulate and well-spoken, and appeared very credible. I found no reason to believe that she was being anything but completely open and honest about what she experienced.

About BFRO Investigator Chuck Jacobs:

Chuck is a retired fire officer, with an extensive background in firefighting, inspections, investigations, and education. He is also a long-time back country traveler, who has explored some of the most remote areas of the western states by Jeep and camper van. His interest in Bigfoot began many years ago, but he began seriously squatching when he learned about activity in his home area in the Arizona mountains. He has been on numerous trips, both solo and with small groups, and attended the 2013, 2014, and 2015 Arizona Expeditions.

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