DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Alabama > Cullman County > Report # 45296
Report # 45296  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, June 8, 2014.
Motorist observes a Bigfoot chasing a deer at night near Bremen
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YEAR: 2014

SEASON: Summer



STATE: Alabama

COUNTY: Cullman County

LOCATION DETAILS: I was coming from jasper Alabama on Hwy 69.



OBSERVED: Saw a deer run across the road, right behind it was covered in brownish black hair and was at least 7-8 ft tall huge upper body sorta narrow at the hips I can draw ya a pic of it

ALSO NOTICED: Fowl odor and loud grunts as I drove past where it was standing.

OTHER WITNESSES: Unfortunately no

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Today Sunday 6/8/2014 at about 815 pm it was almost dark and had rained earlier in the day

ENVIRONMENT: Wooded area with creeks going to Smith Lake

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator W. Gibson:

I interviewed the witness and was able to meet with her at the sighting location. Her accounts were consistent and believable. Here is a sketch made by the witness:

The following can be added to this report -

The hair was six to eight inches long.
The hair was dark brown.
There were leaves stuck in the hair on the buttocks.
The head was very bulky.
The huge size of the hands was the most remarkable visual noted by the witness.
The right hand held what looked like a rock.
The rock was egg shaped and almost as large in diameter as a bowling ball.
The creature handled the rock as if it were a softball.
The creature’s movement was powerful.
The estimated height was 7’ 6”.
The estimated weight was 450+ pounds.
This sighting was at sunset. The witness hit her brakes and horn when she saw the deer sprint full speed across the road. She had never seen a deer run that fast. As the car was stopping, she saw the creature coming to a stop near the roads edge. The headlights started to light up the creature as it turned to its left and walked back into the pine forest. She slowly drove forward until she was at the point where the creature entered the forest. Her window was down and she could smell a very strong, musty odor with the power of skunk. She could also hear the creature making deep, raspy, loud grunts. When she looked for the source of the grunts she could see the creature about 50 feet inside the wood line facing her car. These grunt unnerved the witness and she drove home.

I met with the witness the afternoon after the encounter where the sighting took place. The pine forest was thick with trees from 3” to 12” in diameter. The ground was covered with a thick layer of pine needles so no tracks could be found. I did find deep scuff marks near the roads edge where she said the deer sprinted across the road. We stayed road side for about an hour as it started getting dark. There was a huge storm front moving in and lightning could be seen flashing on the horizon. I decided to make two quick whoops to see if there would be any response. Two seconds later there was a faint response that we both heard. The response was of the same cadence and tone I had used. We stayed there in the dark for about 20 minutes then left because the storms were getting close

The witness went back to the site alone 2 days later. She started to smell the same odor again after about 10 minutes. The odor started getting stronger after another 2 minutes so she left and did not go back.

About BFRO Investigator W. Gibson:

W. Gibson is a retired educator and has had a lifelong interest in the Bigfoot phenomena since an encounter from his youth.

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