Geographical Index > United States > Maryland > Cecil County > Report # 45266
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Friday, June 6, 2014.
Possible activity and odd discoveries found by a Traditional Native American near Port Deposit
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YEAR: 2014
SEASON: Spring MONTH: May DATE: 29th STATE: Maryland COUNTY: Cecil County LOCATION DETAILS: I DO NOT WANT THE LOCATION listed as its a sacred area to Native people but I will show you what I have found and seen along with my friend. NEAREST TOWN: Port Deposit OBSERVED: Hello, this might take a moment didn't know how to contact the BFRO. I'm a Native American from Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe in MN. I currently reside in Pennsylvania in a town name Birdsboro. I recently had weird noises and seen odd things in the woods where I go for spiritual guidance. I seen big rocks placed in a crescent moon shape and found strange scat that had fur and what kinda looked like a cat tail reed top digested in it. Then found a huge tree trunk or broken tree that looks to be placed in the gut of two trees like a football goal post. Just recently, May 29th 2014, I was with a close friend we was in this same location looking for feathers that were molted by eagles. I have a federally recognized tribal ID so am able to pick up those fallen molted feathers. But while we were looking for these it was close to sunset and was right next to a swamp then we hear "a loud splash" like there was a huge rock thrown in the water. We both looked at one another in shock cause we were the only two people in the woods then. I thought it coulda been a beaver cause beavers live in the swamp, but thought it was a beaver jumping in the water. Beavers don't make that loud cur-plunk splash we heard, then I thought maybe an eagle may have dropped a big fish in the water like a ,nope wasn't that cause 3mins after we heard the first splash we heard a 2nd splash the same area like 10-15ft away from us. The area is over grown and can barely make your way through in some areas. But heard the noise the 2nd time, we went to look closer didn't see or hear anything in that area but there was a path made through the thick weeds like something went through that area recently cause the tall thick weeds and brush was pushed through like a buffalo was walking through it. When we were leaving the area we heard chattering like someone was talking in the distance but no one was in the woods at the time we was. I have pictures of the log in the tree like a goal post and I can get pictures of the rock moon shape and if you read this I will give you the location thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter. OTHER WITNESSES: Witness1 my friend was with me the time of splash noises and chatter. Witness 2 was my aunt. Was with me at the time of finding the log placed in the other trees like a goal post, separate occasion. OTHER STORIES: I have a lot of Native buddies that visit the area but haven't heard any stories that they may have encountered but I haven't asked them either which I will now after experiencing what I did. TIME AND CONDITIONS: This was around 730-8pm'ish end of spring beginning of summer, the area gets humid its very close to a water dam plenty food source deer fish beaver and an abundance of flora. ENVIRONMENT: The area is swampy and marshy and a lot of woods right near railroad tracks
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Kim Niemeyer:
I called the witness on 28 July and was able to talk to both him and his aunt. We conversed for over an hour. The primary witness in both cases, told me that he actually discovered the weird structures: rocks and pit, together with the tree in April 2014. It was his first visit to the area since December 2013. He took the second witness, his Aunt, to the area to show her the tree at the beginning of May. He wanted her opinion on how it got there. Both are very experienced outdoorsmen. He has hunted extensively both in Minnesota and Ohio, where his father lives. During our conversation, both of them were adamant that the tree could not have been placed by natural means. First, because there was nothing matching it in the area, and second, because of its placement. He briefly mentioned the rocks and pit. We then talked about the incident that involved both he and his friend. The two of them went to the area during the late afternoon hours to collect feathers. The witness also wanted to show him the tree. At approximately 1930hrs. they stopped at a large pond. They stood on the shore for some time looking out on the water, when first one, then a second large rock was tossed into the water very close to them. They felt they were intentional. After the second rock they both heard something 'chattering' at them. After talking to him further and imitating some suspected vocalizations that Bigfoots make, he said it sounded like a softer form of 'Samurai Chatter'. Both men went to investigate rather than run off. It took them several minutes to reach the spot because it was quite overgrown. They reached the spot where the vocalizer had stood right after it made a hasty retreat. Its path through the over six foot tall weeds was easily discernible. They left immediately afterwards. The witness agreed to meet me at the location which we did on 30 July 2014. While there are farms and housing developments in the general area, the area itself is a perfect habitat for Bigfoots. There is a large river with many feeder streams nearby. Besides a large number of Bald Eagles, there are deer, large carp in the pond, turtles, Bullfrogs and more. The woodlands are quite extensive, and while extensively overgrown, there is a high-power line right-of-way running through the area. Almost immediately after starting our hike, I found half of a probable Bigfoot footprint at the bottom of a steep embankment. It is of the left foot, and a took this pic:

The footprint was fresh, less than twelve hours old, and the toes had dug into the mud. It was pressed deeply into the mud and was approximately sixteen inches in length and eight inches wide. A stone blocked out most of the lower portion of the print. The pine needles have been pushed out when a step was taken. The witness placed his shoe next to the print for size and did not leave any sign whatsoever. I cast around for other tracks and found this:

What isn't shown in the pic is that something or someone could stand here and watch passing traffic on the nearby road and not be seen because of the depth of the ditch and the overgrowth which included quite a number of wild Multiflora rose bushes.
It took us some time to reach the pit area which I found quite interesting. The stones have been brought in from about a half mile away where there is a large pile of them. They appear to be leftover rip-rap from a water conservation project. The pit was dug so that from the back it sloped gradually downwards from a depth of less than an inch to two feet at its terminus. The largest stones were placed around the top portion in a semicircle for extra cover. The forest floor in that area is covered in wild violets and strawberries and there are game trails throughout. It reminds me of a hunting blind. It hadn't been used for a while because of the plants growing inside. It is not a human fire pit. There was no sign that anything has ever been burned inside of it and no human garbage of any kind was found. There are also other stones, most placed in semicircles, but none of them had a pit associated with them. This is the pit and stone area:

The tree was the next stop. Here it is from a short distance away. It is approximately six and a half feet up and is parallel to the ground. It is wedged into the crotches of two live trees. It can be moved but with some difficulty. It appears to be not only a deadfall, but was also probably brought from the river bank more than a half mile away.

A view of the back end to see how it is wedged in:

It could be a territorial marker of some kind. I can't rule out that it wasn't placed there by humans either. It could have been put there for use as a field dressing area during deer season. However, based on what I also found in the area I tend to rule this out. I again cast around and found this tree break. It is not a weather break. The tree is approximately one and a half inches around and has been pulled down until it split and left at a ninety degree angle to the ground. It is an older break and looks like many that have been associated with Bigfoot activity. Of note: Neither the witness, his aunt, or his friend noticed it when they visited the area. It looks older than two months.

The witness told me that when he brought his aunt to this location she found a large leg bone, probably from a cow. They also found the lower half of a deer's leg. It was fairly new because it was still covered in hair and hadn't been consumed by scavengers or time. He also found a large pile of scat. It wasn't bear, however, besides small bones and fur, it was made up in large part of cattails.
This last picture shows the pond that they were at when the rocks were thrown and they heard the vocalization. This is from the opposite bank:

Robert and John were standing to the left of the dead tree. They feel the thrower was in the shadows to the right in a little cove. The distance between the two areas doesn't seem like much in the picture, but it is heavily overgrown and takes some time and lots of bushwacking to get to.
I made three 'whoops' from the location that I took the picture from and did not receive a response. After ten minutes I screamed loudly. Again there was no response. The acoustics were great in this area. Later, the witness picked up a large rock and tossed it into the pond. He told me that it sounded about half as loud as the two splashes they had heard.
I found both the witness and his aunt to be thoroughly engaging and completely credible. I have yet to be able to talk to the other witness, his friend, and will update if and when I do. The area is prime area for Bigfoots. It may not hold a resident population; however, it is a perfect 'Greenway' to move up and down the area following game.
About BFRO Investigator Kim Niemeyer:
Kim is retired Navy with interests in linguistics and history. He has a Master of Science degree from Loyola University in Maryland. He has attended the following expeditions: PA 2011, Southwestern PA 2013, and Western North Carolina 2014.