DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Kalkaska County > Report # 44783
Report # 44783  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, April 8, 2014.
Multiple incidents at a family's rural property near Kalkaska
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YEAR: 2013

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 27

STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Kalkaska County


OBSERVED: i didn't see anything but my 8 year old daughter did, it was the last weekend in July of 2013 and the kids were outside playing at our camp {which is pretty remote} doing knocks on the trees and then stopping to see if they could see anything. Then suddenly my daughter comes flying in the house and said she seen a bigfoot. I didn't believe her at first but she was adamant that she did and her heart was beating out of her chest so this is her description in her words of what she saw. I saw something with bent arms a little and knees bent a little and it was a brown in color and it looked like it was about 7ft tall and it was just walking then it looked at me and then got down on all four then ran......

ALSO NOTICED: I have experienced rock throwing one night while sitting by the fire, the rocks hit the roof of the house.

OTHER WITNESSES: Just my 9 year old daughter seen it but 2 other kids were outside playing

OTHER STORIES: just what I've read on the BFRO site

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was in the evening the sun was shining through the trees making it easy to see no clouds in the sky.

ENVIRONMENT: mixed forest mostly pine with the river within approx 500 feet from cottage

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Kim Fleming:

I actually met the witness and family at the West Branch Bigfoot Conference in 2013. The daughter shared what she saw in front of a large group of people as part of the event. Although she was very shy about sharing, she did briefly describe the event. I talked with her father at length after the meeting, as I was familiar with the area. We agreed to meet and he showed me the spot where the sighting happened. The story was repeated several times without embellishment or changes.

I spent several hours with this witness and his family on two different occasions. There have been several experiences over the years that the witness has owned this property.

The child's sighting occurred in July 2013. She was out playing in the back yard area of the site. Her father was on the deck. It was near sunset and the kids were doing howls and knocking on trees. The daughter "came running to me (her father), and told me what she saw. I felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest!" She told him that she saw "brown...taller than you (her dad), with long arms swinging. It took like four steps on two feet, then, it stopped and looked at me, dropped to all fours and took off running!" The father went over to the sight which was about fifty yards away from the deck and found "ferns broken down and I found a track way."

In 2012, the witness reports that the family was "sitting by a fire, outside, doing some knocks, goofing around. Rocks were thrown at the opposite side of the trailer!"

In 2009, the witness' mother and brother were at the trailer alone. "About 2:30 a.m. something smacked the door!" It startled her and she sat up! Then "another smack!" She tried to turn on the light, but it was out, so she couldn't see anything. She felt "spooked" and "turned on the front light to see if there was a car." There was no one in the drive. It was really dark and she was "scared!" "I won't stay at the trailer alone anymore!" This was in the fall of the year. She stated that she "will go out there during the day, but I leave before dusk!" I asked the witness about her daily activity when she visits the camp. She stated that she throws scraps out in the woods following meal clean-ups. When she gets ready to go home, she dumps the left over food in the woods near the trailer as well.

In 2004, "something jumped out of a tree! There was a huge 'thump' and a whoof sound!" The creature "shook the tree...I could feel the ground shake as it ran!" The witness reported that the creature ran on two feet. The next day, the witness went hiking in the area and found "four skeletons, 2 deer and 2 coyotes." He also reports "feeling uneasy." His first thought was to "turn around and get back to the truck!"

About BFRO Investigator Kim Fleming:

Kim is a high school science teacher and uses Bigfoot research techniques to teach about scientific method. She has been interested in researching Bigfoot since 2008 and her husband experienced a sighting in Florida in 1976. Her interests include hiking, being outdoors, birding and working with young adults. Kim attended the 2012 and 2013 Michigan UP expedition and has done research in northern Michigan.

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