DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > New York > Dutchess County > Report # 43285
Report # 43285  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, December 14, 2013.
Bow hunter with binoculars observes a tall Bigfoot with a smaller one near Amenia
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YEAR: 2013


MONTH: November


STATE: New York

COUNTY: Dutchess County

LOCATION DETAILS: Cascade Mountain Rd, Amenia, NY


NEAREST ROAD: 22 (1 mile away)

OBSERVED: I was out hunting when I saw a creature that I thought was a bear. Then a second, much smaller creature that I realized was a bigfoot, come out of the brush. I shot at them with my bow to scare them, and the larger one, which must have been 8-8.5 feet tall picked up the smaller one and placed it on its back and walked, not ran, away. I then quickly packed up and ran to the UTV I was using.

ALSO NOTICED: Other than deer, no



TIME AND CONDITIONS: Dusk, getting dark but very visible, clear skies, crescent almost half moon

ENVIRONMENT: clearing used as a food plot by deer, hill top

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Lisa Gilmore:

I spoke to the witness a couple of times on the phone.

He explained that when he saw the creature originally he was about 200 yards away. He was scanning the area with his binoculars looking for deer, when he saw something moving in the brush. It was brown in color and appeared to be foraging in the brush for food with a smaller creature close by. He observed the creature for a period of about one minute before he realized that it may in fact be a Bigfoot. He was getting scared and decided to aim his bow at the Bigfoot and fired a shot at the creature. The smaller creature climbed on the back of the larger one. The larger one then stood up and they walked for about 100 yards away from the witness before disappearing out of sight. Due to the time of day and the angle they were from him, he did not have a chance to get a good look at the face of the creatures but the witness did estimate the larger creature at about 8 to 8 1/2 feet tall and the smaller was maybe 3 - 4 foot tall. The witness did tell me that he spends much of his time in the woods hunting during the fall months and has observed bears before, but has never seen creature like these.

When I first spoke with the witness, I was a little concerned about the distance of the creature from the witness - even with binoculars. So I enlisted the help of my cousin and we went out into the woods behind my farm to recreate the sighting. We found a spot with some brush that matched the description of the sighting location and waited til about the same time of day as the sighting. I marked out distances of 100, 200, and 300 yards from where my cousin was standing. I had a stuffed toy bear and gorilla that we used as our creature stand-ins. To make sure we tested every aspect of this, we used several pairs of binoculars, ranging from low-end to high-end models. Much to my amazement, my cousin and I were able to tell the difference between the gorilla and the bear at all the distances with the binoculars, even the low quality ones. The high quality binoculars did give a clearer image than the low-quality ones at 300 yards, but you could still see the difference between the two toys.

I did go out to the area of the sighting. I did not find any evidence of Sasquatch, but still feel very strongly that the witness did see something that was not a bear, but indeed a Sasquatch. This area is also fairly close to another possible Sasquatch sighting.

About BFRO Investigator Lisa Gilmore:

Lisa grew up in rural upstate New York where she learned tracking and woodland survival skills at a young age. Her family has a strong Native American heritage and she was raised on the Lakota legends of Sasquatch. She currently spends her spare time in the field where she is studying behaviors and migration patterns in both New York and Northern New Jersey.

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