Geographical Index > United States > West Virginia > Fayette County > Report # 43193
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, December 8, 2013.
Homeowner reports possible interactions that include his hunting dogs near Pax
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YEAR: 2013
SEASON: Fall MONTH: September DATE: 11/30/2013 STATE: West Virginia COUNTY: Fayette County LOCATION DETAILS: Near Pax, WV, off of I-77 between Charleston and Beckley, WV. Paint Creek runs through my property and there are caves on the back property. NEAREST TOWN: Pax NEAREST ROAD: I-77 OBSERVED: About a week ago my dog was making a strange noise like he was playing around 12 at night. I called my friend who lives on the property to meet me outside. We went up the hill to my dog pen and he was acting as if he was playing, all happy running around and looking behind him.
We shined our lights up the hill and saw a rather large figure about seven to eight feet tall and rather thick, step back into the darkness and disappear. It scared us and we ran. We have been hearing sounds every night. Last night we went out around 1:00 AM to do knocks and yells. Something growled back, not like a bear, and was very close and kept following us.
My dog is still doing the same thing every night and my cats refuse to stay out at night. Before this started they wouldn't come in.
We are on the side of a mountain with about two thousand hunting lease acres behind us. Neighbors about a third a mile away. We are on a dead end road with lots of animals and very secluded. Deer walk around in our yard most days before this started and we regularly see four bears here.
It is very thick here and could hide lots of other animals. ALSO NOTICED: Every night you can hear something pacing the ridge watching us. OTHER WITNESSES: 2 - all awakened by the dogs TIME AND CONDITIONS: Midnight, cold and snowing with freezing rain. ENVIRONMENT: Mountain ridge with a creek at the bottom and maple and other large trees town is close to us but we can't see it. Steep hillsides.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Stephen Willis:
I spoke to the witness in mid-December 2013. He added details that occurred in the time since he filed the report.
He and his friend (who lives in a cabin on the witness' property) have seen a figure walking on the ridge top several times since the original incident.
They have had rocks thrown at their respective dwellings, each initially thinking the other was creating a prank. Calling each other on cell phones, discovered they were both inside while rocks hit each building simultaneously. This indicates more than one rock thrower.
He reported screams at night, angry growls following the witness generating wood knocks, and additional incidents with his hunting dogs. The midnight visitor seems curious about his animals, having not attempted to harm any of them.
This location is within 5 miles of a 2006 unpublished report at Plumb Orchard Lake. They reported extremely loud screams and objects thrown into the water near men fishing at night.
About BFRO Investigator Stephen Willis:
Grew up in central West Virginia. Retired from the US Army in 2003 Lived for almost 7 years in Germany and 1.5 years in the Mideast. Visited Alaska in times past and have wandered about the lower 48 for considerable mileage. Reside in Arizona during snow times then move about the southwest as the mood hits us.