DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Alabama > Clay County > Report # 42692
Report # 42692  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, November 13, 2013.
Daytime road crossing seen near Ashland
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YEAR: 2013


MONTH: November

DATE: 10

STATE: Alabama

COUNTY: Clay County



OBSERVED: Driving on paved road, sighting was maybe 20 yards away, creature exited woods as I crested a hill, crossed right of way and road with four-five strides at incredible speed. 8-9 feet tall, extremely broad shoulders, matted reddish-brown fur. It crossed the road only several yards in front of me, got a very good look at it. I was the only witness and have no evidence, but this is not a case of misidentification.

OTHER WITNESSES: no other witnesses

OTHER STORIES: Some second-hand reports in the southern part of the county

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 2:15 PM, broad daylight, weather clear

ENVIRONMENT: pine forest

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Michael Brumfield :

Witness was driving on a paved connecter road about 30 ft. wide on a clear and sunny Sunday afternoon. As he crested a hill and started down the dip on the other side, he notices on the right hand side of the road what appeared to be at first a bush. As he gets closer the bush begins to look like a linebacker on the line of scrimmage on a football field. As he closes the distance, the bush explodes and in four strides crosses the road 15 or so yards in front of the car. The 8-9 ft. tall creature moved at incredible speed. The creature's fur/ hair was grayish brown with red highlights. The backside of the animal was all matted.

The witness was unable to get a clear look at the creature’s face, it did not look at the car.

About BFRO Investigator Michael Brumfield :

Mike has worked 15 years as a quality control lab technician. Has attended many private investigations, BFRO Georgia 2011, Alabama 2013, NW Florida 2013 and 2014,2015. He has been interested in the Bigfoot subject since he was a kid. Spent time as a docent at the Gulf Breeze Zoo. Avid outdoorsman, spent most of his life in the woods and has hiked parts of the Appalachian Trail.
Mike helped organize the Alabama 2013, NW Florida 2015 public expedition.

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