DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > North Carolina > Randolph County > Report # 42580
Report # 42580  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, November 10, 2013.
Motorists have a possible late night sighting outside Seagrove
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YEAR: 2012

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 17

STATE: North Carolina

COUNTY: Randolph County

LOCATION DETAILS: I was coming from Seagrove city limits on Ridge Rd. It was about a mile from city limits in a patch were there are woods on both sides of the road, right as you round a curve.



OBSERVED: It was mid august of 2012, me and my wife was driving around that night like we did a lot, on our way back to the house we rounded a curve on Ridge Rd in Seagrove NC when my headlights landed on a dark brown/black creature on 2 legs walking into the tree line, the creature had to be at least 7 1/2 ft tall and I would guess about 500+lbs by the width, it was a fast visual. But me and my wife both saw it. I have seen my father-in-law on the side of the road a few time he stands 6ft 4in and the creature I saw was more then a foot taller and a lot wider.

ALSO NOTICED: My mother and father in law live on Ridge Rd. and there has been a few days where we hear a load howl that sounds nothing like coyotes or anything else in the area.

OTHER WITNESSES: There was 2 witnesses, me and my wife, we had been driving around like we normally do when we saw it.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: it was around 1:00-2:00am
it was a dark night and clear.
New moon at 11:55 am. EDT. 0% illumination
AM rain, clear PM. hi temp of 86 low of 62

ENVIRONMENT: wooded area on the side of a small back road.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Larry Sidwell:

I spoke with the witness by phone who was very skeptical about Bigfoots before this encounter. He and his wife like to drive around at night looking at wildlife along roads, they are both avid outdoors people. It was around 2 a.m., they rounded a curve and his headlights caught the creature as it was moving into the woods. He and his wife thought it was a bear at first, then noticed it was walking bipedally. It was extremely large, 7 to 8 feet in height. Very thick like a football player in pads. He compared it to his father-in-law who is 6' 4" and 380 pounds and he said the Sasquatch dwarfed him in size. He estimated its weight at over 500 pounds. It had longer arms than a human and swung them while it walked. They were not able to see any facial features. It moved extremely quick into the woods and the sighting lasted just a few seconds, but he and his wife are convinced they saw a Sasquatch.

His father-in-law's house is only a couple of miles from the sighting spot and they heard strange moan-howl vocalizations, three different nights after the encounter.

This area has an extremely large whitetail deer population and other smaller mammals. The town of Seagrove is very close to the border of Montgomery County which has the most Sasquatch reports in North Carolina. The Uwharrie National Forest is just southwest of Seagrove. The area is rolling hills and woodlands and is very sparsely populated.

About BFRO Investigator Larry Sidwell:

Larry became interested in Bigfoot at an early age after viewing the Patterson - Gimlin footage. Spent a lot of time in his youth hiking and exploring his families' farms in Clark County, Kentucky. Now resides in Bridgeport,WV.

BFRO public expeditions Larry has attended: 2012 West Virginia, 2013 Kentucky, 2013 West Virginia, 2013 Western North Carolina, 2014 North Carolina, 2014 ,Kentucky (Bluegrass Region), 2017 Maryland, 2019 Western Kentucky, 2020 Kentucky, 2021 Pennsylvania, 2021 Kentucky, 2022 South Carolina, 2022 Fall Tennessee, 2022 Kentucky.

Private expeditions Larry has attended: 2013 SEBFRO Nantahalla National Forest, 2014 Winter Uwharrie National Forest, 2014 Pisgah National Forest, 2014 Fall Uwharrie National Forest, 2015 Croatan National Forest, 2015 Forbes State Forest, Pennsylvania, 2015 Uwharrie National Forest, 2016 KBRO Kentucky, 2016 Monongahela National Forest, 2017 Monongahela National Forest, 2018 Southwest Virginia, 2019 KBRO Kentucky, 2021 KBRO Kentucky, 2021 ECE Spring Monongahela NationalForest, 2021 Fall ECE Monongahela, 2022 KBRO Spring Kentucky, 2022 KBRO Fall Expetion.

Conferences attended: 2013 Midnight Walkers Southeastern Bigfoot Conference, Dahlonega Georgia, and the 2014 and 2019 Ohio Bigfoot Conference, 2021 Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference, 2021 Cryptid Con Lexington, Ky, 2022 Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference, Gatlinburg, TN.

2023 BFRO West Virginia Expedition organizer
2024 BFRO West Virginia Spring Expedition organizer
2024 BFRO West Virginia Fall Expedition organizer

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