DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Arizona > Coconino County > Report # 41186
Report # 41186  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, May 19, 2013.
Camper hears possible late-night vocalizations in the Knoll Lake area
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YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Summer


DATE: Not known

STATE: Arizona

COUNTY: Coconino County

LOCATION DETAILS: This was in the Lake Knoll area. We camped past the final turn to Lake Knoll on a narrow dirt road. Instead of turning right to get to the lake, we kept on going straight.

NEAREST TOWN: Payson, Arizona


OBSERVED: It was in the middle of the night and I took my three kids camping. I was awoken by a strange noise. The noises sounded like a angry female with a smoker's voice scream in short bursts. Probably 5 to 10 second bursts every 10 to 20 seconds. The camping area where we were was near Lake Knoll Arizona. You can check out my video on youtube of the campsite. Just google Lake Knoll camping. It should be the first video. I did not sleep the rest of the night. I heard other noises later that night. It sounded like multiple animals fighting but it was more animal sounding....maybe wild bores or something. I asked some of my hunter friends and they could not explain the first sound that I heard. Other than those noises, there was not a sound to be heard. It was dead quiet.


OTHER WITNESSES: Although my kids were with me, they did not wake up.

OTHER STORIES: Yes, I was sharing this with a friend of mine who also had a friend who heard the same noise a few years ago at the same location and even possibly the same road. He called her up to verify and our stories matched.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was between 11:00pm and 3:00 a.m. Clear skies and very dark. no moon lighting.

ENVIRONMENT: Pine forest. mostly flat.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Chuck Jacobs:

I spoke with the reporting party by phone, he advised that although it has been nearly two years since it occurred, he remembers every detail as if it was yesterday. He described the screams he heard as very loud, but distant, and that he did not think that they were directed specifically at his camp. I played some audio recordings for him over the phone, and he advised that one of the recordings sounded very similar to what he heard. He described the later sounds he heard as “sounding like boars fighting.” When asked why he decided to file the report when he did, he advised that he had been in contact with an acquaintance who had heard the same type of vocalizations during an earlier camping trip to the same general location, and that he had watched the Arizona episode of the Finding Bigfoot TV show, which also discussed activity in this area.

This general area has a long history of Bigfoot activity, and there are several published reports from within a ten-mile radius. It is one of this investigator’s ongoing research locations, and I have been involved in a number of research trips to this general area, both solo and with small groups, both daytime and after dark, and have heard wood knocks and vocalizations myself.

This is kind of an interesting area, it is a plateau that is carved up by an extensive system of deep, rugged canyons, and most of the roads are up on the ridge tops.

The reporting party appears very sincere and credible, and there was no reason to believe that he was being anything but open and truthful about what he experienced.

This is the youtube video that he refers to, there are no recordings or sasquatches in this video, its just a nice family video that shows the campsite:

About BFRO Investigator Chuck Jacobs:

Chuck is a retired fire officer, with an extensive background in firefighting, inspections, investigations, and education. He is also a long-time back country traveler, who has explored some of the most remote areas of the western states by Jeep and camper van. His interest in Bigfoot began many years ago, but he began seriously squatching when he learned about activity in his home area in the Arizona mountains. He has been on numerous trips, both solo and with small groups, and attended the 2013, 2014, and 2015 Arizona Expeditions.

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