DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Wisconsin > Dane County > Report # 40718
Report # 40718  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, April 2, 2013.
Hikers hear possible wood knocks and loud screams near Mount Horeb
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YEAR: 2011


MONTH: October

DATE: 28

STATE: Wisconsin

COUNTY: Dane County

LOCATION DETAILS: Donald county park has Deer Creek running through it and there is a large area of water shed land. The entrance to the park opens to a large corn field, however if you take the trail to the left and keep going toward the high ground where the woods are, is where this happened.



OBSERVED: My experience happened in early fall of 2011. It was warm that year and this happened right before Halloween. I was out walking at Douglas County Park with my boyfriend, his friend and my youngest son who was 3 at the time. We walked back past the corn field and worked our way to the bridge that crossed a creek just before you hit the heavy wooded area. I was tossing leaves in the creek on one side of the bridge and Ethan would run to the other side to look for it floating down stream.
I heard a series of loud knocks from the woods, I looked at my friends and they heard it too. It was suggested that it was probably just other people out walking. So I shrugged it off.
We started back towards our car because it was starting to get dark and I heard a loud scream. It was nothing I had heard before, too clear to be human.. and too loud for coyote. It did give me the creeps, my friends acted as if it was nothing and we kept walking. A few minutes later I heard a loud scream again only this time it was closer. At that point I picked up my son looked behind me and all I could see was tall grass. Nothing there, my friends made a joke about it being a bigfoot and we worked our way back to the car.
I have never heard a yell like that before and could not point it to any animal that I know of. For the record it sounded nothing like the screams on “Finding Bigfoot” It was loud, higher pitched almost like a female scream but there was no strain to it. I believe what I heard was a Sasquatch.

ALSO NOTICED: Just the loud knocking. It was a series of knocks rhythmic of three.

OTHER WITNESSES: 3 adults 1 child adults were playing with child and taking a walk.

OTHER STORIES: I have not.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Unseasonably warm! The sun was starting to set but I was out with just a sweat shirt on. It had rained earlier that day I remember my feet being wet from the ground.

ENVIRONMENT: Wet land, tall grass, creeks and open water way, higher up is heavy woods.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Robert Barhite:

On June 28, 2013 I spoke with Christina regarding the incident. Christina, her fiance, her son, and a friend had stopped by a pedestrian bridge on the edge of Donald Park. She was dropping sticks and leaves into the stream and watching them float away when they heard a series of knocks coming from a nearby marshy area. The knocks were a series of three rhythmic knocks. The pattern repeated itself three or four times. After a few moments the knocking stopped, and the group decided to head back to their car. As they turned to leave they heard a howl-like moan on the hill opposite to the marsh where the knocks were heard. It was a distinct sound and definitely not a coyote.

I found Christina to be a very compelling witness who did not waiver from her story, or embellish it in any way.

Donald Park is located in the town of Springdale along
two trout streams, southeast of Mt. Horeb off Highway 92, just west of Mt. Vernon. The Donald/Woodburn family donated the original 105 acres for this park. The park has since grown to encompass 480 acres containing oak woods, intriguing rock outcroppings with scenic vistas and springs. Donald Park is also known for its trout streams - Deer Creek, Frye Feeder, and Mt. Vernon Creek.

About BFRO Investigator Robert Barhite:

A native of far northeast Iowa, Robert has always had an intense interest in Bigfoot and exploring the great outdoors.

His first expedition was the 2012 BFRO Iowa Hill Country Expedition He the 2013 Iowa Big River Expedition, 2013 Oregon Cascades Expedition, 2013 Michigan Upper Peninsula Expedition, 2014 and 2015 Wisconsin Expeditions, 2014 Iowa Expedition, and the 2015 Iowa Spring Expedition. Since 2012 Robert has participated in several private expeditions in Iowa and in Wisconsin. In addition to expeditions, he has conducted numerous solo research trips in Iowa and Wisconsin throughout 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. And for the last two years has been a guest lecturer at the request of the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. Robert led the 2016 Iowa Spring Expedition and is assisting with the 2016 Iowa Fall Expedition and is scouting locations across North America for 2017 expeditions, and continues to monitor activity in a long-term study location in the Midwest.

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