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Geographical Index > United States > Oregon > Tillamook County > Report # 36280
Report # 36280  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, August 19, 2012.
Campers hear knocks and unknown vocalizations at night in Tillamook State Forest
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YEAR: 2012

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 8/12/12-8/18/12

STATE: Oregon

COUNTY: Tillamook County

LOCATION DETAILS: Oregon Hwy 6 West.



OBSERVED: My adult daughters where out camping the weekend of 10AUG2012 in a slightly remote camp in the Tillamook forest.

For 2 nights in a row they heard possible big foot calls that went on for 20min the first night and about 3 min the next night.
I can assure you it was not any Elk, Deer, any of the owl species,
That calls where whoop call, and im told extremely loud, This group totaled 6 that weekend that heard this series of calls.

The following weekend this weekend friday 18AUG I myself and a friend from work and his daughter went to the very same camp to hear for ourselves and attempt to get recordings of the calls,
long story short, I’m an experienced out doors man as an avid Bow hunter and fisherman I’ve spent countless hrs in the woods and have heard most of all the local animal calls.
From all the known owl calls, to every possible combination of elk and deer calls to the death moan of a bear. I’ve been known to follow elk heads at night and just be in a good place to hunt them in the Am.
Be that as it may On Friday the 18th I set out to this camp and waited for the arrival of my work friend and his daughter.
After dinner we relaxed at the camp fire till about 9:00 p.m. and set out for a short hike to the power line rd and did some Knocking, with no responses’ we returned to camp and was doing a little star gazing around the camp fire. At 10:15 p.m. to our astonishment we heard in rapid succession a series of Knocks 1,2,3,4,5 pause then 1,2,3,4,5, coming from the SE 2 sets of about 5 of 6 knocks with a delay between sets of about no more than 5 seconds. Within 10 seconds of the second set of knocks we had our recorder going hoping to capture more knocks on tape when from the NE we heard a classic call back Howl in response 2 Howl calls in fact,
We have captured those calls on tape.
Being that our camp was in-between the calls my best estimate of distance or camp was from the calls where no more than a ¼ to a ½ of a mile as the crow fly’s with us between them, our camp that night was the only camp site taken in the whole camp ground. With the closest set of camp grounds approximately 6 miles away.
In conclusion with my current back ground in Metrology and reporting my findings with an unbiased opinion using the return calls taped on your show that I’ve heard over time and applying them as a reference standard I must therefore conclude this as the genuine article and report this as very plausible given my own personal experience. All I need now is to personally see one and it push it over the top for me. As it stands right now I feel 85% certain that this phenomenon is real.
I am no expert with regards to Bigfoot and would love to hear your thoughts on this matter and would very much enjoy putting you in contact with all involved and giving you the audio we recorded.
I look forward to hearing back from you as I would very much like your thoughts on the recordings we have.

ALSO NOTICED: 2 different experiences, 2 different calls
and one with knocks and calls

OTHER WITNESSES: 6 the first weekend
3 including myself the friday the 18th

OTHER STORIES: only from my daughters when they where there the week before, I used to hunt this area 30 years ago and have never heard this before

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 9 to 10pm weather clear and warm

ENVIRONMENT: in surveying the area the camp is situated between 2 ridges

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Cindy & Jerod Caddell:

Fellow investigator Cindy Caddell and I, Jerod Caddell, responded to corresponding reports submitted by witnesses Larry on 8/19/2012 and Marc on 8/21/2012 regarding howls that were recorded on 8/17/2012 in the Tillamook State Forest of Oregon. Cindy conducted an initial telephone interview with Larry and he emailed us the recorded howls, which were compelling. Larry and Marc agreed to meet Cindy and I where they recorded the howl vocalizations so we could investigate the area.

On 9/02/2012 Cindy and I met both witnesses at the location in the Tillamook State Forest. The area was quiet, and for the most part secluded. It was also geographically located in a “bowl” surrounded by gravel roads and thick forests. We walked with them around the campground and noted the healthy forest, dense undergrowth, plentiful water sources and numerous edible plants and berries in the area. There were also numerous game trails and several signs of elk and deer. Bear scat was located on one of the trails. Larry stated that he is an avid bow hunter with years of experience in the Oregon wilderness. He can track animals and easily differentiate between sounds made by indigenous animals. Marc stated he was an avid outdoorsman with a wealth of climbing and backpacking experience. Both witnesses appeared to be credible and what they recorded sounded like genuine evidence.

Larry explained that his daughter had been camping with friends at the location the weekend before the howls were recorded and told him that she heard howls on two successive nights. The first night she (and a group of six others) heard calls that lasted for 20 minutes and the second night she heard calls that lasted for three minutes. Both witnesses, along with Marc's daughter, went to the same camp the following weekend (8/17-19) and began conducting their own investigation hoping to record what Larry's daughter had heard. While at the camp, there were no other campers in the campground and the next closest campground was miles away. At around 2100 hours, Larry, Marc, and Marc's daughter walked the roads around the campground. One of the roads was bordered with power lines and they did a series of knocks on one of the wooden poles at the top of a ridge surrounding their camp. There was initially no response to the knocks.

At approximately 2215 hours, after arriving back at their camp, they suddenly heard a series of wood knocks in rapid succession that sounded close. Marc quickly turned on his camera, which has a video/audio feature, hoping to record the wood knocks. It was at this time when two howls came from the northeast that seemed to be in response to the wood knocking they just heard and Marc's camera recorded them. Larry and Marc said the howls were close to camp and they were able to feel reverberation through their bodies from the force of the howls. Larry stated that he was positive the howls were not from any animal he has ever heard in the wild before.

* Marc & Larry's Audio Recording *

On 09/29/2012, Cindy and I conducted our own investigation of the area, along with the witnesses, and set up our camp near the original location. There were no other campers in the campground and any activity on the roads or trails in the area would be heard in the camp from a long distance away. The thick woods and undergrowth surrounding the camp would make it difficult for anyone to sneak in without being heard. After taking an initial walk around the campground, we set up two digital recorders on the outskirts of the camp about 50 yards away. The night was clear and cold, approximately 40 degrees, and there were no signs of other people in the area. The digital recorders were activated at approximately 2030 hours.

At 2142 hours, Cindy did a series of “whoop” calls. About one and a half minutes later, there were several higher pitched howls from a distance of a quarter to a half mile from camp. Those calls were answered by a series of deeper pitched howls from the top of a ridge further away. The howls seemed to be a form of communication and they went back and forth for approximately two minutes. The howls were recorded on two separate digital recorders and were also clearly heard by all of us in the camp.

* Investigators' Audio Recording *

There was no other activity noticed by anyone for the remainder of the night, but the recorded audio from that night revealed branches being broken, wood knocks, and the sound of tapping. These sounds started 30 minutes after we heard the howl calls and continued sporadically for several hours. Cindy sent the audio recordings to an experienced audio technician who works with BFRO investigators. The technician cleaned up the recordings and thinks the sound of breaking branches was made by large branches being snapped and thinks that the tapping sound was the sound of rocks being tapped together.

Summary: The witness' claims were validated by us having the same type of experience in the same area and being able to capture audio evidence in our own recording. The howls we heard and recorded did not sound like any of the common animals found in the area and were similar to suspected sasquatch vocalizations documented in other regions.

About BFRO Investigator Cindy & Jerod Caddell:

Cindy has had a lifetime interest in bigfoot with experiences dating back to 1993. She is an award winning professional photographer and anthropologist. She is currently working in the archeology field. She also has an associate’s degree in psychology. Jerod is a former Marine and currently works in law enforcement. Both Cindy and Jerod have a love of the outdoors and have organized several BFRO expeditions.

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