DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Kentucky > Shelby County > Report # 36230
Report # 36230  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, August 12, 2012.
Hunter gets investigated while in his blind outside Bagdad
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YEAR: 2011


MONTH: November

DATE: 20

STATE: Kentucky

COUNTY: Shelby County

LOCATION DETAILS: Jacksonville,outside of Bagdad, KY in north Shelby county



OBSERVED: November 20, 2011
Was deer hunting on the farm behind my house like ever year before. That season I used my hunting blind that I had setup a few days before. It had been raining that morning so I used the 4 wheeler to get back to the blind. I parked it beside the blind and took my stuff in. I poured a cup of coffee and opened a bag of donuts and loaded the gun. I could hear something step over the fence (normal sized person could not do that) this fence is double wide with extra electric wire. Then the foot steps continued to come closer to the blind. The foot steps sounded really heavy. The foot steps came to the side of the blind and stopped. I could hear heavy breathing and then it leaned over the blind . I could see a impression of a nose pushing down on the top of the center of the blind. The blind I have is 6 feet tall, this means he had to be at least 8 feet plus tall. The nose imprint began sniffing and leaning more on the top of the blind. This point I was getting really nervous, so I took the safety off on the gun and said ("if you are a person you better leave, if your a bigfoot then you better not growl or howl our push any harder on the blind cause I'm gonna start blowing holes in something". Then the sniffing stopped while I said my little speech, but then started again more aggressively. I told myself to stay calm ,and then the subject stood upward and walked around the blind and then over to the woods. I tried looking out the window but could not see anything.. Scared the holy-**it out of me ..

ALSO NOTICED: Weird sounds before


OTHER STORIES: Nothing from neighbors

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Early morning, before daylight, rainy cool morning, slightly foggy .

ENVIRONMENT: Woods edge, open fields

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Jack Smarr:

I spoke with the witness. The witness retold his story that he was hunting on an adjacent farm in a ground blind. Early that morning, after settling in, he hears something step over the barbed wire fence. He thought it was odd, because it would be impossible for a regular sized person to step over that fence. Heavy footsteps came over to his ground blind and then he saw the impression of a nose on top of his six foot tall ground blind! Alarmed, the witness heard distinct snuffling noises as if he was being checked out by an animal for smell. The man called out a warning, whereupon the animal stopped sniffing. Once he stopped talking, the sniffing began again, only more aggressively. As he tried to remain calm in his nylon shelter, he heard it walk around him once and walk back into the woods. That completed the hunting for the day. We have a bipedal creature stepping over a five foot barbed wire fence and bending down to put their nose into the top of a six foot blind.

The witness also submitted Report #36229

About BFRO Investigator Jack Smarr:

Jack Smarr is retired military and worked primarily in Field Artillery, Armored Cavalry and Armor units. He participated in TN 09,10,11,WV 2012 expeditions; and helped organize KY 2013 expedition. He organized the 2014 KY Daniel Boone Expedition, the 2015 Central Kentucky Expedition, the 2016 Carter Caves State Park Expedition, Northeastern Kentucky 2017, Kentucky 2018 and has conducted private expeditions in Eastern Kentucky and Southern Ohio.

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