DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Tennessee > Roane County > Report # 35914
Report # 35914  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, June 26, 2012.
Mother and son witness a daytime road crossing near Harriman
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YEAR: 2012

SEASON: Summer

DATE: June 19 2012

STATE: Tennessee

COUNTY: Roane County

LOCATION DETAILS: was on 61 in a hill down center



OBSERVED: My 9 yr old son & I were traveling on TN Rd 61 in Roane County outside of Harriman TN, at about 345pm on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 when about 10 -12 car lengths in front of us a Large Black Hairy upright Person? Bigfoot, crossed the 2 lane road. It came out of the forest on the other side of the road & crossed in about 3 steps before looking over at us then entering the brush before the forest. Looked as thou it was 8ft tall or larger. I was able to go back today 6-26-2012, to look at the site where very large foot markings marked in the grass & a large bedded down grass area that looked very fresh. As we drove by on the 19th we looked more into the forest to see him, but saw nothing. I feel today after reseeing the spot where it crossed the road & we being very close laid down low in the grass & shrubs till we passed by. From the grass bed the brush was broke & disturbed into the forest.

ALSO NOTICED: noted in the first letter

OTHER WITNESSES: My 9 yr old son in passenger front seat. Watching the road talking about our dog that we just picked up from the vet up the street.

OTHER STORIES: Online boys found grass foot prints in about the same area March 13, 2012

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 3:45 pm Bright sunny day

ENVIRONMENT: brush, grass, shrub, then dense forest
Little Emry River very close by

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Ashlan Yost:

I spoke with this witness along with her son at length via phone. After speaking with them I would add these details to the original report:

Some time had passed between when this incident occurred and when I was able to get in touch with this witness. She and her son were still able to recount every detail of this event without hesitation.

The witnesses first saw this creature as they were cresting a hill. It stood just behind some trees on the left side of the road watching a large tanker truck coming toward them in the opposite lane. As it watched the truck, it ducked back behind the trees as the truck passed, so that it would remain hidden. As soon as the truck passed heading east, the tall figure began to cross the road, oblivious to the fact that the witnesses were just coming down the other hill heading west. After the witnesses passed the tanker truck, the figure was in the middle of the road and realized that it was in full view of their vehicle. It stopped in their lane, turned the upper portion of its body toward them, and paused to look at their vehicle. The witnesses estimate it only paused for a second or two before continuing toward the right side of the road and disappearing into the tall grass/woods.

The witnesses did not stop. Though they both saw a green pickup truck behind them stop and turn around to go back to the area where the crossing happened. The witnesses estimate that the creature they saw was between eight and nine feet tall. The majority of the hair was all black, though the witness' son distinctly remembers there being some reddish brown visible on the arms. The only skin that they could see was on the face and hands. It appeared to be very dark or even black. They both estimate that the hair was between six and seven inches in length. They were unable to make out much detail due to the rapid nature of this encounter. At the closest point they estimate that they were three to four car lengths from the creature. Because it was a nice sunny day, they did have their windows down and did notice a very pungent sulfur-like odor as they passed the area. They were unable to hear any sounds other than those made by the large tanker truck still going up the other hill. They estimate the weight to be greater than five hundred pounds with a very broad torso. The creature showed no signs of aggression or fear. As it moved it "didn't seem to be in a big hurry." Neither witness was able to see male or female characteristics, though they assume it was a male based on its massive size. What stood out the most to the female witness was the conical shaped head. When she initially saw the figure she was extremely confused because she believed it was a really tall person dressed in black wearing a "hoodie" with the hood up. This would have been very unusual due to the warm sunny weather. But as they got closer and it paused to look at them, she became certain it was not a person.

What stood out most to the male witness was the massive size and casual swinging of the arms as the creature walked. He remembers that the arms were gently bent at the elbow, but that they still hung down to just above the knees.

I found these witnesses to be very credible and matter of fact about what they saw that day.

About BFRO Investigator Ashlan Yost:

Ashlan Yost was born and raised in East Tennessee. She has spent a great deal of time hiking and camping in remote areas.She has also spent a considerable amount of time in remote upstate New York. She has had a life-long fascination with animals, particularly wildlife. She is a licensed Veterinary Technician, practicing in the state of Tennessee. Ashlan began researching the sasquatch phenomenon ~2005. Attended:
2010 Tennessee BFRO Expedition
2011 Tennessee BFRO Expedition
2013 Kentucky BFRO Expedition
2013 West Virginia BFRO Expedition
Numerous private Expeditions.
Her main interest in the subject involves evidence such as tracks, scat, and hair samples. She also has a distinct interest in animal behavior.

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