Geographical Index > United States > Georgia > Lee County > Report # 35631
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, May 31, 2012.
Woman sees a tall figure at night outside her home in a subdivision south of Leesburg
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YEAR: 2012
SEASON: Summer MONTH: May DATE: 30 STATE: Georgia COUNTY: Lee County LOCATION DETAILS: It was in a residential neighborhood. Huntingdon Subdivision. The exact street was Chukar Ct. This neighborhood is off of exit 5 for N Jefferson (Old Leesburg Hwy) just past Lovers Ln and the Lee Co. Line. We are also close to Lake Cheehaw and Keechafoonee Creek. The next big highway is Hwy 19. NEAREST TOWN: Leesburg NEAREST ROAD: Old Leesburg Rd OBSERVED: I think I might have seen a big foot on May 30, 2012. I went outside to put my trash can at the street at about midnight. The only light was the porch lights on the house behind us. When I walked around the corner of the house, I froze because I saw what looked like something standing at my neighbor's fence. They have a fence that is fenced in on three sides, just not at the front of the house, and what I saw was standing at the back of the fence, I think on my side of the fence, but not sure. All I could see was the silhouette of a person/thing, but it stood 1 1/2 to 2 feet over the top of the fence. All I could see was the silhouette of the shoulders and head and hair sticking up over the fence. It had long hair and it was not really moving. Only the hair would move. At first I thought it was a person who had stopped and stood still when it saw me. Then I realized it was way too big to be a person. I admittedly have bad eyesight though, even with glasses on at night. On top of that I am a logical person with a master's degree, so I don't rush to conclusions, especially fanciful ones. So I told myself it was just the shadows and light playing tricks on me. I figured that something was propped up against the fence and just looked like a head and shoulders in the dark and that maybe the hair was some spanish moss caught on whatever it was. But I still felt uneasy and ran inside as fast as I could. The next day (today) I went outside and looked for whatever it was that might have looked like a head and shoulders. But there as nothing there. No plants, no trees, nothing propped up against the fence, no spanish moss, just a fence. We went back outside tonight to look again and see if there was anything casting a funky shadow. While that corner of the yard is dark and lights barely shine there from the windows, there was definitely nothing taller than the fence and nothing that looked like a head and shoulders. I would estimate, given that the fence is about 6 feet tall, that it was at least 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 feet tall. It was broad shouldered. And it had long hair or fur on it's head. I am not saying it was a bigfoot, because I could not see it well enough to say that for certain, but I don't think it was a person. If it was a person it was a very large, very tall, very hairy person. Also, when I came back inside, my dog (a lab/border collie mix who is about 90 lbs) started growling. He kept growling until I let him out of his kennel and he immediately ran to my back door. I let him outside and he shot off. Our yard is fenced in so he cannot leave the yard. But ten minutes later when I went to let him back in, he wasn't near the back door. It took several minutes for him to come back to the door after I called repeatedly. That is not like him. He usually is begging to come back inside and doesn't hesitate when I call him. After that he was very restless all night. ALSO NOTICED: Just my dog acting strange and wanting to go out there and not wanting to come back in right after I saw it. But I did not hear or smell anything. OTHER WITNESSES: No, just me, and maybe my dog. I told my husband right after, but he was asleep so he laughed. OTHER STORIES: Just what I have seen on here. I did notice that incidences are near my house. TIME AND CONDITIONS: About midnight, probably just before midnight. It was dark. There was light coming from the next street over, behind the fence, very faint light though. And there was a small X of light coming from my neighbors window shining on the fence. It was a clear night. There may have been a breeze. I do not remember a breeze or the leaves moving, but the thing's hair was the only thing I could see moving like there might be a breeze. ENVIRONMENT: Residential neighborhood. A few pecan trees. Our neighborhood is near Lake Cheehaw and Keechafoonee Creek, but not right on the lake or creek.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator R. Monteith:
The witness lives in a newer subdivision that borders a large forest with her husband and toddler.

The witness went outside her house around midnight to put the trash out on the curb. On the night of May 30, 2012, the moon was a waxing gibbous and five days away from being full so there was enough light to see a silhouette standing by the neighbor’s fence. She saw what appeared to be a large head and very full shoulders standing behind a 6 ft. fence; it was looking towards her. The back fence was about 50 ft. from where she was standing and although she could not see facial details, she was able to see long hair moving in the wind around the head and shoulders. She thought at first it might be a prowler, but quickly realized how tall it was to stand head and shoulders over a 6 ft. fence. She felt very uneasy and could feel the hair on her neck stand up in fear. Quickly dragging her can to the curb, she retreated inside the house.
Once inside her dog uncharacteristically began growling. She let him out, and it stayed out longer than usual. When he returned after repeated calls, it was from the direction of where the silhouette had been.
Later that night when she went to sleep, a loud bang was heard. It seemed something had hit the bedroom wall which is located in the back of her house. With further questioning I learned that on occasion, late at night, the family experiences sounds that seem to be objects hitting the back wall loudly, or small rocks/acorns hitting the back windows. At another time when she and her husband came home, they thought a person had gone through their trash because the bag had been opened neatly and taken out of the can. It was obvious an animal had not gotten into it because there was not a mess. Also the can had not been tipped over.
The subdivision literally sits on the border of Lee County and Dougherty County. It is within 3 miles of Report #18707 and Report #24393.
After speaking with the witness and researching the local area, I believe she may have seen a Sasquatch. The unexplainable sounds of things hitting the house supports typical Sasquatch behavior too. When looking at the location of her house it is possible that Bigfoots go scavenging through the new neighborhood from the forest. Garbage cans and backyard gardens could provide a food source.
About BFRO Investigator R. Monteith:

Re Monteith has had a life-long interest in Bigfoot and has an extensive background in outdoor land and ocean survival as well as mountaineering. She has tran-sailed the Atlantic, backpacked in remote places throughout the world and has climbed three of the seven summits. She studied International Relations at Florida International University, and is a Financial and Real Estate Consultant. She has participated in many private expeditions as well as the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 BFRO North Florida Expeditions and the 2013 BFRO UP Michigan & Alabama Expedition. She also organized Florida's 2017 Town Hall Meeting. She was an Executive Producer of the documentary film, "Skunk Ape Lives" and featured as a Crypto Expert on The Science Channel's television show, Strange Evidence for seasons 2 - 5.