DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > California > Nevada County > Report # 3424
Report # 3424  (Class B)
Submitted by witness K.S. on Sunday, November 25, 2001.
Couple see large footprint near Emigrant Gap
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YEAR: 1984

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

STATE: California

COUNTY: Nevada County

NEAREST TOWN: Truckee, Calif.


OBSERVED: During the summer my husband and I would go to the Tahoe National forest in California to cut our winter wood. This one day I did not go with him. When my husband came home he said he saw a bigfoot print in the soft dust next to the dirt road. He wanted me to see it so he drove me to the location some 20 miles or more away from our home. When we arrived he walked me to the spot and I saw what he saw. I saw a perfect foot print in the soft dust. It was about 15 inches long. It was not real wide but, it was wider than a humans foot would be. It had the imprints of all five toes and the rest of a perfect foot print right back to the heel. The indent in the ground was about 1/2 inch deep where the toes and heel were. It was quite amazing to see. I know at times when I would be out in the deep forest I would feel as if I was being watched. It was spooky. I would run back to where my husband was or where our truck was.

OTHER WITNESSES: 4 adult witnesses and 8 children

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Hot dry summer day

ENVIRONMENT: Pine forest, mountain ridge

Follow-up investigation report:

I spoke with the witness by phone. Witness indicated that the location of the footprint was near Emigrant Gap.

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