DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Pierce County > Report # 337
Report # 337  (Class B)
Submitted by witness wishing to remain anonymous on Friday, September 22, 2000.
Man working his land hears rock against wood sound and distant answer
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YEAR: 2000

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Pierce County


NEAREST ROAD: 288th street

OBSERVED: I was taking a walk up the path I had been excavating through my woods. I had been doing this by hand the previous day. I wanted to make a loop path through the thick vine maple and hazelnut brush on my property, when I suddenly got spooked for no discernable reason. I stopped and looked around, when I was growled at by something that sounded like a dog back in the woods. I had my gun, and thinking it was a coyote, I advanced and heard it running through the woods. Later, I looked around by the front of my woods behind my burnpile, and found odd looking feces. Full of a light colored hair. The next day, I went into my woods again early in the morning, and in the same spot, I heard a loud knocking like someone with at least a six inch rock banging it on a tree just out of sight. Within fifty feet of me. Once again, I looked for it, but found no sign, but for no real reason, I was scared even with a .45 cal handgun in my hand. Decided to report this after reading other accounts from pierce county similar to mine.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Early morning, before sunrise.

ENVIRONMENT: Thick vine maple and hazelnut brush, near swamp. Dense woods

A & G References: Pg. 46, A4

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