DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Illinois > St. Clair County > Report # 33638
Report # 33638  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, February 21, 2012.
Woman recalls her night time sighting while fishing behind her home near Columbia
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YEAR: 1991


MONTH: November

DATE: 16

STATE: Illinois

COUNTY: St. Clair County

LOCATION DETAILS: Not wonderful with directions, but I can show you. Its off of Illinois Route 157.


NEAREST ROAD: Triple Lakes Road

OBSERVED: I'm 51 yrs old. My sighting happened twenty odd years ago but I need to tell someone about it. I've finally come to grips with it and now it's time just to tell someone...who won't think I'm a nut-case.

Here goes. At one time, I lived in a house surrounding a small pond in the woods in Columbia. I fished all the time. The pond was down a small hill right in my back yard. I thought I was in heaven. I usually fished at night when my kids (at that time) were asleep. I used lighted bobbers. Often I felt I was not alone but thought it was my imagination.

One evening, I thought I heard a huff-growl and glanced around behind me.

There it was. Just standing there looking at me. I squinted my eyes and rubbed them in case my eyes weren't seeing correctly. I still saw it. I didn't feel panicked til it moved. The thought that it wasn't a human scared me so much I dropped my pole, and high-tailed it all the way up the hill til I was safe in the house.

I never went fishing at night or alone again. Thank you for reading this. I feel better getting it out.

ALSO NOTICED: I found it weird that the huge owl that was usually sitting on a nearby gate; wasn't there after that night.

OTHER WITNESSES: At that specific time, I was alone. but my two daughters and I heard knocks all the time. I thought it was teenagers.

OTHER STORIES: No. I never told anyone til right now, sorry.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was approximately 8 pm in November. My birthday present was a fishing rod. It was the following evening, the 16th.

ENVIRONMENT: Wooded area. Four houses around a pond. Coyotes howled every night. Owls always hooting. I loved it.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:

I spoke with the witness by phone.

In summary:

• The witness and her two daughters (age 10 and 11) had often heard loud wood knocks, which the mother explained as just being "woods sounds".
• The mother would often fish in the small pond behind her home and often thought that small pebbles were being thrown into the water.
• The light from her house and the surrounding houses lit up the area around the pond.
• The evening of the sighting the witness had the feeling of being watched.
• The animal was between six and and seven feet tall.
• The animal was bulky and muscularly built.
• The animal's weight was around 350 lbs.
• The hair was dark brown.
• The animal was about fifty feet from the witness.

About BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:

Stan Courtney has a special interest in wildlife audio recording. He has attended numerous BFRO Expeditions. See Stan's blog for recordings he has collected over the years.

Stan Courtney can be reached at

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