Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Pierce County > Report # 32536
(Class B)
Submitted by witness No on Monday, January 23, 2012.
Couple camping at a lake near Greenwater experience possible screams
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YEAR: 2005
SEASON: Fall MONTH: November DATE: end of nov.2005 STATE: Washington COUNTY: Pierce County LOCATION DETAILS: It is mostly deserted in the fall because of cold and is an isolated location on secluded hillside with non friendly vehicle road.very dark at night and lots of animals and fish in lake!
NEAREST TOWN: greenwater Wa. NEAREST ROAD: Off of fs70off of hwy410 (precise location edited to protect the site) OBSERVED: I am from Cle Elum Wa. and I am reporting an encounter with an unknown creature that I was sure was not a bear or animal such as that nature. This incidence took place over a two day period in the forested area of Wa. near green water area off of FS road 70 at a lake in the Greenwater Wa. area off of hwy 410.
My husband and I camped at this lake every Thanksgiving weekend from 2002-2005 and on our last holiday 4 day weekend that we were there we experienced something of an encounter with what I believe to be a bigfoot. It was a Saturday morning when this started and it started with huge ear shattering deep growling howl like screams....more like warnings from something that did not want us there. We were the only human occupants in that area since it is very cold and most people are enjoying their weekend watching football and stuff at home. this lake is very isolated and a trek to get into since the road is overgrown with bushes and hard on vehicle paint jobs. We were cooking breakfast when this screaming at us started and it was such an unusual sound that it made my hair stand up and made me afraid to go into the woods to use the bathroom. There were many of these gutteral warning screams and they were watching us and I know this for fact since I was being brave and going to go down towards the lake and it scream growled at me and the force was so intense that the vibration from the sound literally knocked me back a step!I did not go down to the lake since I knew this noise was a warning! It was warning us to stay away from certain parts of the area that we were camping at. that night as we lay sleeping in our tent trailer there was a wind storm and I was waken by the sounds of our cooking gear being clanged like it was being kicked and thrown about. I was scared out of my wits when I heard what sounded like a load of logs being dumped beside the tent trailer. I woke my husband and was yelling at him to get up and lets just leave and come back in the morning and pack up and go. He said no and we stayed the night and when I got up the next morning and went outside all of our cooking stuff was all back where it had been except for some items that had been misplaced but not by the wind. I can not explain why I heard the metal pans clanging in the night like they were bing banged together and I was thinking from the wind storm our stuff would be everywhere but it wasn't. The screaming growls started again that Sunday morning as we were moving about camp and fixin breakfast. My husband asked if I could smell a stench and I said no since I have allergies and he proceeded to go into the woods behind our camp to do his business when this thing let out a long screamgrowl and it was enough to turn my husband around and back o camp. My husband has grown up in this area and has hunted the area for many years and he said he has never heard anything like this before. My husband does not spook easily however this made him think twice. We camped there many times and have had several experiences with this wood clapping ad whistling your research suggests. Every time we go there we feel we are being watched and hear the wood claps and I have even heard heavy breathing from something eating some hot links that I thrown down the hill from camp. This is a very squatchy area and should not be overlooked since I can recall the wood claps and some whistles and even some calling in the distance not done by us and it was at dusk when we heard the calling across the way.This thing watched us for two days and scream-growled at us both that Saturday and Sunday. We packed up and left on Sunday. ALSO NOTICED: smell, sound, feeling of being watched and wood claps. for some reason I felt this one was protecting a younger one and that's why it was so serious about keeping us away from certain part of the area! It would scream at us if we attempted to go towards the lake ! It would scram at me with each step I took so I did heed this force! OTHER WITNESSES: 2 me and husband cooking and puttering around camp OTHER STORIES: everytime we camped there we did hear wood claps frequently and an occasional hoop and holler across the valley in front of the area. alot of times at night I could hear something in our camp messing with our stuff but nothing was ever taken
TIME AND CONDITIONS: daytime, overcast to partly sunny and very cold ENVIRONMENT: clearing for camping and path to lake in mountain terrain surrounded by fallen trees and forest. lots of huckleberry and other types of seasonal wild fruits and fungus lots of coyotes at night
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:
I interviewed this witness over the phone. A site investigation is not possible at this time due to winter snow pack.
As stated in her report, they camp in this area often. For several years, they went there every Thanksgiving weekend. This would be about as late in the year as one could access the area. The hunting season is long over by this time in this area. She also said that there is a lot of food in that area. Rabbits are all over the place.
Most of the time when they go to this site, they have the feeling that they are being watched. They usually hear wood knocking and whistles. This particular time they both experienced repeated very loud screaming anytime they ventured very far from camp. On one occasion, she attempted to walk down to the lake, and she was screamed at with every step. She said that it was so loud that she could feel it. She turned around and went back. Her husband reported smelling something that was described as “a very strong rotten-sour-putrid smell”. Further, that night during a wind storm, she could hear the pots and pans clanking around, and expected to find a mess in the morning. What she found was that everything was right where it had been. She also reported the heavy thump of what she thought was a pile of logs being thrown onto the ground beside the trailer. In the morning, there were no logs to be found. It is possible that a tree fell over nearby during the night which they did not notice, but that is just a guess.
I asked her specifically about the hot links which she mentioned being thrown out. She said that they were so spicy-hot that she could not eat them, so she threw them about 20 feet outside the camp. She said that what she heard was like someone eating something that was unexpectedly hot and was reacting to the spiciness by making a “hoo-hoo” sound in the same way we might do it.
There is a combination of occurrences here which taken together, lead me to the conclusion that this is a credible report. These are the persistent screaming in reaction to the actions of the witnesses, the foul stench, the sound of something eating the hot links and the reaction to that, and the activity outside the tent trailer with the cooking gear.
The name has She also said that there is a lot of food in that area. Rabbits are all over the place.
About BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:
 Scott Taylor is a retired aerospace manager. He lives in Mason County, Washington. He had his first bigfoot encounter in October 2005 where he was stalked and later heard vocalizations.
Scott has attended official BFRO Expeditions in the Washington Cascades in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He also attended 2007 Central Oregon Cascades and 2007 Utah. He now organizes BFRO expeditions in Washington and has participated in bigfoot conferences over the past 17 years.
Scott will be leading a Washington BFRO expedition in 2025 (July 17-20) which is open to non-members. For more details and registration information for that trip click here.