Geographical Index > United States > New York > Westchester County > Report # 31940
(Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, January 9, 2012.
Fishermen and Law Enforcement Officer Report Three Class A Sightings in Same Area Within a Year near the town of Somers
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YEAR: 2010
SEASON: Fall MONTH: September DATE: 1 STATE: New York COUNTY: Westchester County LOCATION DETAILS: Both sightings were on the North east corner of the reservoir..the lake was low..I saw it walk and stick its face in the water like a dog NEAREST TOWN: Somers NY NEAREST ROAD: Lake road OBSERVED: Well last year I was night fishing 9/2010 at Amawalk Reservior SOMERS NY about 30 minutes from PAWLINGS I was fishing with my buddy..the reservior was about 100ft into the lake before you got to water .....about 5am sun was coming out..when a 5 foot maybe 5 1/2 ft man or Big Foot came out of the woods washed its face and drank some of the reservoir water..he looked like something out of the old school "Planets of the Apes" chimps..I said to my buddy "you see that?"?he said yes ..Now on Animal Planet there showing a clip of a Big Foot that has been seen in these areas (Lower Hudson Valley)..So I'm puzzled to think what I saw was a Big this my account of what I saw..and we didn't catch crap at night..anybody ever run into anything like this??...
This was my post on
Low and be hold another member at the same reservior..Columbus day 2011..this is his post..Hey Guys, I put at Amawalk this summer and about the 5th time I took it out in early October. I saw two upright walking chimp looking things walk out of the woods and crouch down and drink from the res, run back in to the woods and then do the same thing again. When they came out the second time one of them threw it's arms in the air while squatting and then they ran back into the woods. The second one went back slowly. It seemed like they saw something in the water right in front of them. That was right when the sun came up. I haven't been back to my boat since. I have no idea what they were and looked like two large chimps to me. Maybe some guy who lives there has two monkeys or something? I have no idea. But I saw something that I can't explain, it has been eating away at me since. When I saw the preview for that show I almost shat myself. When Biggame posted here I didn't want to say that I saw something because I'm from Oregon and my hunting and logging part of the family thinks they know where they live but none of them have never ever seen them just have stories, just like everyone else in Oregon. Then I saw what I saw in October and have been denying it to myself ever since. I absolutely hope that someone owns two monkey's on the Amawalk.
I have no reason to say something like this. Before October I could have cared less if bigfoot existed, now I'm a bit curious. I own a fishing rod company and have business to lose from people thinking I'm crazy for posting this on here. This is a nothing to gain and allot to lose situation for me but, I had to say something when Biggame posted. Let me be clear in saying that I saw something too. I have no idea what they were and would need absolute proof that bigfoot existed before I would ever say thats what they were.
So two seperate sightings same place different year..I BELIEVE!!! ALSO NOTICED: not really the Bigfoot didnt care or maybe didnt see us fishing in the lake..just got on its knees and drank water like a dog would..
my friends incident he had a rock thrown at him OTHER STORIES: no just mine with my buddy and XXXXX's encounter.. TIME AND CONDITIONS: the Sun was just starting to come out ENVIRONMENT: Its a NYC reservior..
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator R. Monteith:
I was able to put three sightings together in the same area within a year’s time with the help of this report.
I spoke to the witness. He and his friend habitually anchor and fish from a mooring beginning 11 pm until about 7-8 am the next morning. This particular night was very cold and cloudy; they were fishing about 50 yards off shore and at sunrise he caught movement to his left. He claimed at first, he thought it was a naked man on the shore and couldn’t understand why he’d be out like that in the cold. He then realized it resembled something from “The Planet of the Apes.” He told his friend to look. They watched as the creature about 6 ft tall (not very large,) went from bipedal, dropping down to hands and knees to drink from the water. It then stood back up and walked back into the woods. It never looked their way nor made a sound.
A few months after his sighting, he posted what he had seen on a local website and a man answered claiming this the prior year:
"Hey Guys, I put at Amawalk this summer and about the 5th time I took it out in early October. I saw two upright walking chimp looking things walk out of the woods and crouch down and drink from the res, run back in to the woods and then do the same thing again. When they came out the second time one of them threw it's arms in the air while squatting and then they ran back into the woods. The second one went back slowly. It seemed like they saw something in the water right in front of them. That was right when the sun came up. I haven't been back to my boat since. I have no idea what they were and looked like two large chimps to me. Maybe some guy who lives there has two monkeys or something? I have no idea. But I saw something that I can't explain, it has been eating away at me since. When XXXXB posted here I didn't want to say that I saw something because I'm from Oregon and my hunting and logging part of the family thinks they know where they live but none of them have never ever seen them just have stories, just like everyone else in Oregon. Then I saw what I saw in October and have been denying it to myself ever since. I absolutely hope that someone owns two monkey's on the Amawalk."
Recently I spoke to a law enforcement officer from that area. In late October 2010, she was driving to work at 3 am heading east on Route 35. There were no other cars and she was driving at about 30 mph. Just as she passed Tomahawk St. (South of Amawalk,) she saw something on the left side of the road, standing at the wood line. It seemed to be a tall human figure with its right arm casually leaning on a tree. It was looking down then turned its face toward her and appeared to look at her car. It had red eye shine.
It was in the light of her high beam headlights so she estimates it was about 30-40 feet away from her when she first saw it. She slowed down and realized it wasn’t a bear or a human. It appeared to be about 8 ft tall, without much of a neck. She claimed it reminded her of the novelist Dean Koons’ “Outsider” monster.
The body was “hulking,” with dark shaggy hair much longer than a bear - it was not smooth. She was able to just see the outline of it. The sighting was near the dam on Amawalk Reservoir.
A clear pipeline road is nearby (similar to a powerline road) two wildlife sanctuaries that are nearby known for its chestnut trees and river trout. Muscoot River and Hollocks Mill Brook run near the sighting. There are also a few farms.
She expressed shock about her sighting as she never thought such a thing existed.
All three reports were in the early morning hours 3 am - 5 am in either September or October.
About BFRO Investigator R. Monteith:

Re Monteith has had a life-long interest in Bigfoot and has an extensive background in outdoor land and ocean survival as well as mountaineering. She has tran-sailed the Atlantic, backpacked in remote places throughout the world and has climbed three of the seven summits. She studied International Relations at Florida International University, and is a Financial and Real Estate Consultant. She has participated in many private expeditions as well as the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 BFRO North Florida Expeditions and the 2013 BFRO UP Michigan & Alabama Expedition. She also organized Florida's 2017 Town Hall Meeting. She was an Executive Producer of the documentary film, "Skunk Ape Lives" and featured as a Crypto Expert on The Science Channel's television show, Strange Evidence for seasons 2 - 5.