DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Virginia > Warren County > Report # 31472
Report # 31472  (Assumed Hoax)
Submitted by witness on Friday, December 30, 2011.
Motorist observes large biped crossing interstate at Linden
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YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: December

STATE: Virginia

COUNTY: Warren County

LOCATION DETAILS: see description above

NEAREST TOWN: Linden, Virginia


OBSERVED: It was about 9am as I was entering route 66 in Linden, Virginia, Exit 13, traveling west bound. It was foggy but visibility was at least one mile. It was also a chilly morning. As I crested the hill on 66, just after getting on to 66, I saw a tall dark figure crossing the westbound lane (same lane I was traveling in). It was about a half mile down the hill. Somewhere between the Linden dump and Dismal Hollow overpass. There was no one driving on the highway in front of me and no one with me. The figure took just 4-5 steps to cross the 2 lane highway and median. It just looked strange to me. Long arms were swinging and a large gate as it walked. It was a solid dark color from head to toe. I hesitate to say it looked like the shape of Chewbacca from Star Wars but again it was from a distance. It went down into the thickly wooded area between the west and eastbound lanes. There were cars traveling in the eastbound lane but that lane is below the westbound lane and 30 yards away. I raced to try and get a closer look but whatever it was, was gone. This area has a huge population of black bears which I see regularly walking through my yard. This was walking upright. This area is a mountain community close to Shenandoah National Park and many forest and wildlife areas but only one hour from Washington,DC. I just can’t stop thinking how strange it looked.


OTHER STORIES: Have not heard any reports

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 9am foggy with one mile visibility. Chilly morning

ENVIRONMENT: Virginia forest. Wooded

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator D.K.:

After speaking with the witness he reconfirmed the following details:
• The creature crossed the two west-bound lanes in four or five steps
• It had a long arm swing and walked on two legs
• It took very long strides as it crossed and disappeared into the brush in the median
• The creature was a solid dark color from head to toe

This stretch of I-66 is intersected by the eastern-most slopes of the Appalachian mountains, and is a natural intersection for any sasquatch that might be travelling the ridges moving north or south. While there are a few homes in this area, it would be very unusual for a person to cross the highway in this particular stretch.

About BFRO Investigator D.K.:

D.K. is a business executive with an MS in Systems Engineering. Formerly a linguistic analyst, he applies his knowledge to the collection and study of sasquatch vocals and communication patterns. BFRO expeditions attended: Tennessee 2010, Pennsylvania 2011, Ohio 2012, West Virginia 2012 & West Virginia 2013

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