DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Pennsylvania > Chester County > Report # 30531
Report # 30531  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, September 1, 2011.
Possible whoops and knocks heard from a home near Nottingham
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YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: September


STATE: Pennsylvania

COUNTY: Chester County

LOCATION DETAILS: Glen Roy road, Nottingham, PA

NEAREST TOWN: Nottingham, PA


OBSERVED: At about 10:45 PM EDT I walked out to my work vehicle to grab a smoke and my phone. After I shut the door I heard something hit the building next door followed by "whooping". "WHOOOOWHOOP" A lower tone followed by a higher one. VERY SIMILAR to your recordings.... almost spot on. This continued for about a minute or two. Not the first time I've heard it either. I came across your site while looking for sounds similar to that then found your clips.

OTHER STORIES: It's been continuous recently. Only at night. I know its not the kids from the trailer park because its always quiet around here. and they are all in elementary and I hear this quite late

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Night, no light out back.

ENVIRONMENT: Very Woodsy. Trailer park about 200 yards from my back porch

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Kevin Burns:

Witness lives adjacent to a heavily wooded area near Nottingham Park. Several times between 10pm and 11pm at night while the witness was standing underneath the back deck smoking, he heard distinct whoop and knocking sounds which he described to be almost identical to the sounds in the 1974 Berry-Morehead recordings . He described the knocking as if tree trunks were being slammed together.

Shortly after hearing the knocking, he heard sounds of things hitting the tin roof of their garage. The witness stated that he had never heard these types of sounds in his life before that night. Several months after that night he has occasionally heard whooping while he was out at night smoking.

The witness described the area as having an abundance of deer and other wildlife. The witness described his backyard as previously being a bit cluttered with old tractors and cars. One night he heard the sounds of rustling behind the tractor. Grabbing a flashlight he walked back into the direction of the tractor into the woods and heard another distinct knock. During another instance he heard sounds of heavy footed movement through the woods which was unlike any other animal he has heard before.

Recently the old tractors and cars were removed from the yard as well as having a new addition of a pen with horses. The witness has not heard any of the sounds he described since.

About BFRO Investigator Kevin Burns:

I am a native of Pennsylvania having moved to Colorado in 2007. I am an engineer for a large network services company. I have attended the Oklahoma 2011, Arizona 2011, Arkansas 2012, Ohio 2012 and Colorado 2012 BFRO expeditions.

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