DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Texas > Parker County > Report # 30238
Report # 30238  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Friday, July 29, 2011.
Worker has late night encounter at gas well near Aledo
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YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Summer


STATE: Texas

COUNTY: Parker County

LOCATION DETAILS: Hwy 5 south of Aledo


OBSERVED: Gas well site. 6 tanks with loud compressors, a creek behind the tanks with houses everywhere. I had 2 lights on my tractor trailor and one on my hard hat so I can read gages. I start to grab my stuff and am almost to the steps. I seen eyes light up from my hard hat light. They were about 20 feet from the compressor steps, on the other side of the fence by the creek. Now I am a hog hunter, so I am used to seeing eyes until I was looking up at it. So I knew it was not a hog or a deer, or horse ,or cow. As it looked at me, and I stood there looking at it, it stepped out from behind a tree toward the fence. It looked at me, then turned so I could not see its eyes anymore, and it walked like a human into the creek. So I ran to my truck and called my boss. Now I am not scared of a man, but that was not a man.

OTHER WITNESSES: No, I was alone


Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Gary Christensen:

I spoke with the witness by phone and visited the sighting location both during the day and at night. The following details can be added.

The witness said that while hooking up hoses at a gas storage and compressor facility, he noticed a white glow of animal eye shine coming from the woods behind the site. The owner of the eyes moved toward him and stopped at a 12 foot tall cable fence, then turned left and moved into the wooded creek bottom. The fence consists of vertical support beams and horizontal steel cables spaced about a foot apart. Visibility through the fence is excellent. However, the 2 LED headlamp that the witness was wearing cast a wide weak beam that did not illuminate the creature well enough to see many details of its appearance at the 25 foot distance between them. The details that he could provide were a dark muscular shape, a short but visible neck, short hair, a pupil in the reflective eyes, and a height of 7 ½ to 8 feet by recalling where the eyes were in reference to its surroundings.

This encounter so impressed the witness, that he is using trail and security cameras to obtain more evidence of the creature and is searching for footprint and hair sample evidence. He emailed trail camera photos of me investigating the area and buck deer on a game trail at the site. This witness is a night hog hunter, very knowledgeable of local wildlife, and very credible. The witness' boss, who has been a longtime resident of the sighting area, has also seen the eyes and remarked to the witness that many locals have had experiences with the “monster.”

Since this sighting, another witness submitted a report from the same location (Report #30504, Gas field trucker has encounter at well head near Aledo)

About BFRO Investigator Gary Christensen:

Gary is a retired USAF pilot, a Vietnam veteran with 312 combat missions in the B-52. He also retired from American Airlines in 2008 after 18 years service as a flight training manager. A graduate of USAF ground and sea survival schools, Gary is an avid bird hunter and fisherman. He has been following the bigfoot phenomenon since the 1950's.

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