DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Minnesota > Chisago County > Report # 2983
Report # 2983  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, August 13, 2001.
Two campers on island surrounded by strange night time activity
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YEAR: 2001

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 21

STATE: Minnesota

COUNTY: Chisago County

LOCATION DETAILS: Out on the St. Croix River, on an island which i camped on with a friend.

NEAREST TOWN: Rock Creek, Grantsburg


OBSERVED: Me and a friend were camping on an island on the St. Croix River. Late at night we heard a lot of stange noises. We light firecrackers and the noises persisted all night into the morning. Then at about 8:00 A.M. the noises stopped and then we heard something large run on the opposing island. I went to investigate and somthing stank very bad. After walking around the island that we were staying on we saw many tracks some measuring up to 17-18 in.
We also found a small pile of Clam shells and a large indented area next to them that were not there earlier that day.

ALSO NOTICED: About 8:00 A.M we heard whatever it was running through the woods
on the island that was next to us. We saw a lot of large tracks

OTHER WITNESSES: 1, preping the campsite


TIME AND CONDITIONS: Late night early Morning

ENVIRONMENT: Beach Island, Beach Grass, Ferns, Heavily wooded.
A small stream nearby

Follow-up investigation report:

Discussions with one of witnesses suggests large animal(s) moved around their camp site continuously
throughout night. In morning two sets of large (largest "twice the length of witnesses own shoed foot")
barefoot human-like tracks along with one to two smaller human-like tracks were discovered all around
camp site and island. These tracks thought not to have been present evening before.

Then, that morning a large animal charged through brush toward the two witnesses but was not visible
due to thickness of cover. A terrible stench accompanied this charge. Witnesses were quite frightened by all of this and left island in haste. Scenario suggests BF family perhaps unhappy with presence of human visitors.

Heavy rain later in day destroyed tracks.

Area of occurance very wild and remote. Very credible witness.

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