DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Tennessee > Cheatham County > Report # 29794
Report # 29794  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, July 5, 2011.
Deer Hunter hears possible wood knocks in the Cheatham Wildlife Management Area
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YEAR: 2008


MONTH: November

DATE: sat after thanksgivi

STATE: Tennessee

COUNTY: Cheatham County

LOCATION DETAILS: Very end of the main road leading thru the WMA property
This is the only WMA property in the county.

NEAREST TOWN: ashland city

OBSERVED: I heard 2 distinct wood knocks in am area that I had hunted for 7 years. I sit on the ground at the exact same spot every year. It was the saturday after thanksgiving around 9am sunny and around 45 degrees. The area is very active with wild life, deer, turkey, squirrels, and birds. I sit in the same spot on the ground every year. It is on the side of a ridge overlooking a creek. Everything got eerilly quiet no birds singing no squirrels playing and calling. I had just noticed how quiet it was when I heard 2 knocks to my right. Back up the creek I was over looking. While trying to figure out what I heard there came a response to my left very faint and far away. It freeked me out and I realized that I was sitting at a natural intersection. I didn't want to see what was making all the noise. So I left the area rather quickly.





ENVIRONMENT: WMA property. The area I hunt overlooks a creek. With a clear cut opposite side of the creek. This clear cut is very thick and at least 7 years old. Back up the creek there are several ridges that lead down to the creek. To the left of my spot there us an intersection where three ridges meet
This makes a natural crossing for game coming out of the clear cut.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Trenda Moss:

I spoke with the witness via phone and would like to add the following to his report.

Witness and his family have hunted the WMA property for several years; however they had taken a year off in 2007 to give the deer population in the area a chance to recover from disease. On this particular day, he had entered the woods on his 4-wheeler right around dawn and had been sitting for approx. 3 hours making deer calls when around 9:00am he noticed that everything became very quiet. The witness confirmed that he then heard 3 distinct knocks to the right and 30-45 seconds later he heard 2 faint knocks to his left. At the time he had no idea as to what would have made the knocks but said he instantly began to feel uncomfortable and the hair stood up on his arms and neck. He immediately packed his equipment and left. He insists that in all his years of hunting and being in the outdoors, he has never had that feeling come over him before or since the day in 2008.

Recently he and his wife were watching a TV program in which wood knocking was being discussed. He realized that wood knocking sounded exactly like what he heard in the woods in 2008 and filed a report.

The Cheatham Wildlife Management Area is over 20,000 acres and with a strong deer population, plenty of cover and fresh water is an excellent habitat.

About BFRO Investigator Trenda Moss:

Attended the following BFRO expeditions
2009 - Missouri
2010 - Illinois & Tennessee
2011- Illinois, Tennessee & Pennsylvania
2012- Ohio & TX
2013 - Kentucky

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