DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Pacific County > Report # 29609
Report # 29609  (Class A)
Submitted by witness No on Thursday, June 23, 2011.
Family has frequent visitors at their home near Ocean Park
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YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: March

DATE: 15

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Pacific County

LOCATION DETAILS: Edited to preserve the location.

NEAREST TOWN: Klipsan Beach

NEAREST ROAD: Ocean Beach Hwy 103

OBSERVED: I have been having encounters with what I believe is a family group for almost 2 years now. Prints, wood knocks, smells, dog panic, sightings, and verbal interactions. Our house was lifted. The newest is snow angel marks in grass and clearings and with trails blocked by x formations made with trees. Visit 2 or 3 times weekly. Less in winter, I'm not out as much, keeping it quiet. No other people notice. I'm on 2.5 acres. Lake in back yard center of long beach peninsula, rural. Square mile of forest 300 yards away. Clams on beach, oysters in bay

ALSO NOTICED: Bedding made from plants, small hair still looking. Blocked my backyard trails to lake. Trees uprooted, branches twisted. Few deer in area now. My wolf collie mix hides under the table and strong odor 1st year, not so often now.

OTHER WITNESSES: Mixed activities. Many in my front yard.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: All year evening to early morning.

ENVIRONMENT: Myself son and daughter saw animal. mom and close friends have seen footprints and heard cooing and branch breaking.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

This investigation started off to not be a BFRO investigation. I was asked by Aberdeen, Washington radio personality, Johnny Manson, to accompany him to a friend’s location down on the Long Beach peninsula. Johnny had been talking to this person via his radio show, and the subject of Bigfoot came up. This person, the witness, was saying that he was having regular visits and interaction on his property with several different Sasquatches. Johnny wanted to go down and check it out, and asked me to go along.

When we arrived at the location, we met the witness’ son, who is 16 years old. The witness was not feeling well due to an injury, and so allowed us to investigate the property while the son explained what was going on.

The house is a manufactured home set in some very dense woods. There is only about 10-20 feet of space around the house before you encounter the typical, very dense coastal Washington brush. This brush is generally so thick that it is very difficult for a human to penetrate. There are elevated racks holding several truck canopies behind the house on the west side.

Observed at the scene. There were numerous trails around the home going into the surrounding brush. One of the first things I noticed was a place under one of the truck canopies where it looked like something had been going under it. I crouched down, and went under. It definitely appeared that something was using the protection of the truck canopies. On the far side, there was a tunnel like trail going out the back. I followed the trail as it turned left and paralleled the house. The trail lead to the base of a fir tree which was leaning over against the roof of the house. On the north side of the house are more trails leading through the blackberry bushed and into the forest. The distance from the house to an east-west road on the north side is about 100 feet. The trails approached the road, but did not appear to cross. There were places where it looked like someone could sit and observe who went up the road. Moving around to the south side, there was a trail that went in a westerly direction about 50 feet, where there was a creek of sorts. The area is also very boggy. To the left (south) the trail split off, and there was a place where the brush made a canopy over an open area beneath. Water was available from that location only a few feet away. To the east side, on the far side of the vehicles, which had not been moved for quite some time, was a trail, which was generally oriented north-south. This trail was back from the vehicles about 20 feet, on the far side of some small fir trees which were growing close to each other. At one place, this trail split off to the west, and along one of the old travel trailers, and then ended up back in the open area in front of the house. It should be noted that in no-place was there evidence of tools being used to clear these trails. There were no cut limbs, vines or tree limbs. The trails looked as if they had been made by something very large moving through the area. The trails also branched-off to locations where the sasquatches could sit concealed and watch people walking along the road next to this witness’ property.

Interview with the witnesses/reported interaction. After we surveyed the physical surroundings, the reporting witness came out of the house to talk with Johnny and me. We interviewed the father and the son. During our conversation, the witness mentioned that he had filed a BFRO report, and that someone had called him and another individual visited his home. Nothing had been done with the report due to the distance from this investigator's home to the location, making it difficult to work this investigation, and the report was released to me.

Asking about the trails, the witness stated that they were made by the Sasquatches. It should be noted that the witness has a very bad back, and is incapable of doing heavy physical work. They said that none of the trails were made by either he or his son. There is no evidence of tools being used to make these trails. It should also be noted that the brush is so impossibly thick that a human would have to fight just to move forward.

The witness stated that they have had numerous and regular interactions. There are four that they see regularly.

There is a younger male about seven feet tall, and fairly thin build, who they interact with most often. He is estimated by the witness to be around 500 pounds. This Sasquatch has long hair on its head, shorter on the body, a mixture of brown, red and black hair, and an ape-like nose. The facial skin is very dark.

He said that there is also a very large male, mixed colors of hair (brown, and gray/white), long on the head, shorter on the body. He has a human like nose. One time they were able to observe it next to an object of known dimensions. Later they went out and measured the height and width of the shoulders in relation to the object. This individual was comparatively measured at nine feet tall, and five feet across the shoulders. One time it bent over to hide behind the small camper mentioned previously, and its butt was sticking out. The top of the hips was about where the top of the camper was in height, approximately 5’. The witness stated that they had measured foot impressions from this individual at 18-19 inches. The size of the footprints correspond with a Sasquatch that tall.

The female is more shy. They have only seen her silhouette. Her voice is different than the males. She is reported to smell very good, while the males smell bad.

The fourth one is thought to be a juvenile. They have not seen it, but have found the footprints. The footprints are 9” long.

Looking around the property, I noticed several places where it appeared that a small Sasquatch was crawling around and under some of the items scattered about the property, and overgrown with brush. This was before they had mentioned the juvenile.

Reported interactions. The witness and his son stated that the interaction with these Sasquatches is on-going all year-round. The most interaction is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for some reason. Many of the near-by properties are only occupied during the weekend, so during the week, there are fewer people. This could be the reason. At night, they can hear them walk by the house, which they often slap. There is also the usual stick and pebble throwing. One time in the middle of the night, one corner of the manufactured home was picked up, and then dropped back down. He said that they often hear them working all night long breaking the brush and making the trails.

The witness is feeding them a variety of foods, but they seem to like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. There was a place about 5 feet up a small fir tree where the limbs made a sort of shelf. This is where they put the plate of food. When they are done eating, the Sasquatches place the plate on the hood of one of the cars. While I was there, the plate was on the hood, but the sandwiches had been thrown on the ground. These sandwiches were made using white bread. Normally, the witness uses wheat bread. Evidently the Sasquatches don’t like the white bread. Sometimes, the witness puts out the food, and then takes one sandwich and goes back to his porch, where he sits and observes the Sasquatches eating the sandwiches while he eats one along with them. A friendly connection has been made between these Sasquatches and the witness and his son via the food.

One evening, the witness was on his front porch, and the younger male was standing in the brush about 30 feet away. The witness patted his chest and said, “Dad” three times. Then the Sasquatch patted his chest and said, “Guag”. Possibly this could be the name of this Sasquatch. If so, this is a remarkable break-through.

Another time, the witness and his son were demonstrating what hand shaking was. They repeatedly shook hands with each other. Then, one of the Sasquatches which was standing about 20 feet away on the far side of an old vehicle reached across the top and put its hand out in an offer to shake hands. The witness stated that he was too scared to bring himself to actually walk over and shake its hand. What an opportunity lost! The witness stated that if there is ever another opportunity, then he will take it.

On another occasion, his daughter came by. He and she were talking at the cross-road at the northeast corner of his property. She was parked in her pickup truck which was pointing south. Her father’s property would be on the SW corner. He was standing at the driver’s side facing west. It was dusk, and as they were talking, a mature male Sasquatch stepped out of the woods to the west about 40 feet away and in two or three steps, crossed the road a distance of only about 20 feet. This was in full view of both of them. As it crossed the road, it turned and looked at them, but never slowed down. The description of the Sasquatch is pretty typical: very large and burley, dark brown to black hair. It seemed to not care that these people were there.

This is all from the first visit to this witness. I have visited the site another time, and we made a trek out into the forest tract to the south. There was no overt activity, but then it was mid-day. We did find one small impression that could be the footprint of a young Sasquatch, but there is no way to know for sure.

I believe, based on what I observed at the scene, that this man is indeed being visited by a family unit of Sasquatches.

This witness has also provided regular updates as to what is going on there via text and phone calls.

Further observations. Sometimes they vanish for a couple of weeks, and then return. The pattern of them coming around on Tuesday and Wednesday still holds. Also, it appears that the female now has an infant. They hear the vocalizations of these Sasquatches at night. Usually soft talking and whistles. The witness observes eye-glow and says that it is very bright, usually white-silver with a hint of blue when they blink. There is no light coming from the house when they see this. The witness reports that the Sasquatches have been moving around so that they can see in the windows to where the people are inside. The Sasquatches appear to be curious about singing and laughter. They are also very curious about board games, like chess, that are played by the witness and his son in view of the Sasquatches.

There have been quite a few inquiries regarding pictures. I have quite a few pictures. I also have many pictures sent by the witness. One looks to me like it has a sasquatch in it. However the pictures either reveal too much about the location, or don't show clearly anything that people would identify as sasquach related, not that it isn't. There is much that can be seen with one's own eyes that cannot be effectively or convincingly photograped.

This is also and on-going research site. As more significant items are learned, I will add them.

Scott Taylor

About BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

Scott Taylor is a retired aerospace manager. He lives in Mason County, Washington. He had his first bigfoot encounter in October 2005 where he was stalked and later heard vocalizations.

Scott has attended official BFRO Expeditions in the Washington Cascades in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He also attended 2007 Central Oregon Cascades and 2007 Utah. He now organizes BFRO expeditions in Washington and has participated in bigfoot conferences over the past 17 years.

Scott will be leading a Washington BFRO expedition in 2025 (July 17-20) which is open to non-members. For more details and registration information for that trip click here.

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