Geographical Index > United States > New York > Hamilton County > Report # 28570
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, December 1, 2010.
Possible nighttime encounter outside a home north of Northville
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YEAR: 2010
SEASON: Fall MONTH: September DATE: 24 STATE: New York COUNTY: Hamilton County LOCATION DETAILS: (Specific directions omitted) NEAREST TOWN: Northville OBSERVED: My friend and I finished preparing for a big outdoors event and we were sitting outside his home. It was around 11 p.m and his wife and dog had gone inside for the evening. Across the road from his house there is a large swamp that goes up to a small mountain. Our talk was cut short by an odd scream about 75 yards into the swamp on the right at ground level. I asked my friend, an avid hunter, what animal screams like that? He didn't know but we talked that maybe it could be an owl or a fisher. A few minutes later, in the woods on our side of the road, a large animal broke a lot of dead branches all at once. It wasn't running but seemed to have just turned around in one location. A minute or two later three owls hooted between themselves at treetop level in the woods behind his house. The owls seemed to have been about 50 feet apart. We commented about this sudden weird activity when something came from the woods and landed in his yard behind us. We were still facing the road and didn't see the object but I assume it was something around the size of a baseball. He doesn't have a manicured lawn and it would be impossible to know exactly what it was. I've thought about this incident for a couple of months and could write off the first three occurrences that evening but the object landing in the yard made this event too much to ignore. My friend was as puzzled as I am. He lives where people are few and far between. ALSO NOTICED: My other friend and resident had told me that the deer were unusually scarce at that time because they usually eat his flowers and vegetables and he hadn't seen many near his house. OTHER WITNESSES: My friend would probably talk with you. OTHER STORIES: No, I lived very close to this location from 1995 until 2002. There is an abundant, diverse amount of wildlife there. TIME AND CONDITIONS: 11 p.m. Clear to partly cloudy skies. Warm enough and bug-free that was wearing shorts and maybe a pullover ENVIRONMENT: Adirondack forest, swamp
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Caroline Curtis:
This witness called and we encouraged him to submit a report. I attended the BFRO Expedition in the Adirondacks and I witnessed similar occurrences, all of which are very indicative of sasquatch behavior.
The friend had never experienced anything like this before, but did not make a habit of sitting outside his home at night.
Photo taken at the location:

About BFRO Investigator Caroline Curtis:
- Worked as an Assistant to a Circuit Court Judge in Florida for thirteen years
- An avid outdoorswoman, growing up in the UP of Michigan on a family-owned fishing and hunting resort
- Certified Visual Tracker, Level 1
- Attended and assisted with numerous public and private BFRO expeditions
- She and the Florida BFRO organized South Florida Expedition 2008, North Florida Expedition 2008 and Central Florida Expedition in 2009.
- She and the Michigan BFRO organized the Lower-Michigan Expedition in 2011, Michigan UP Expeditions in 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018 and Wisconsin 2018
- BFRO Secretary for almost 20 years