DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Alabama > Colbert County > Report # 27568
Report # 27568  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, April 11, 2010.
Daylight sighting of a Bigfoot outside Muscle Shoals
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YEAR: 2005

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: January

DATE: around 12th

STATE: Alabama

COUNTY: Colbert County

LOCATION DETAILS: off hwy 72 you will see baker lane, go down baker lane you'll see emmette holland road, go down that road it'll open up into fields and woods and you are there

NEAREST TOWN: muscle shoals

NEAREST ROAD: hwy 72 off baker lane

OBSERVED: well me and my cousin were deep in the woods deer hunting close to our little camp site when we heard some very loud popping sounds maybe 35 yards away, we froze, tried to figure out the sound but couldnt. We started walking it was getting late almost dark we started to smell something. It smelled awful deader than dead my cousin hears something walking heavy, we turn around look down the logging road and see this thing step out of the treeline, it was a good 40 to 45 yards away it had dark brown hair, walked on two legs was very big 9 to 10 feet tall and it just stood there. Out of being so scared we couldnt move either, I couldn't of shot it if I wanted to but we stared at each other for about 3 or 4 mins and when it took a step into the woods we ran. 1st time ever saw anything like that. I told some people but they laughed and asked me how much I had been drinking but I dont drink so I saw the sight and decided to get this off my chest. I've been holding for years and I havn't been deer hunting that far in the woods since.

ALSO NOTICED: I've heard lots of screams and hollers from out there even till this day

OTHER WITNESSES: 1 hunting, walking

OTHER STORIES: my great aunt told me she was washing dishes and she saw a huge hairy like man watching her through the kitchen window years ago

TIME AND CONDITIONS: it was near 4oclock evening around 38 degrees cloudy low light conditions

ENVIRONMENT: creeks streams ,hardwoods,bluffs,hills,fields,thickets,pine thickets and oak trees

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Thomas Bruns:

I found this witness to be very honest and credible during our long conversation regarding his sighting. At the time he was 18 years old and was with his cousin deer hunting on some property near his home. A tremendous ice storm had previously passed through the area, and left large tree branches on the ground. They heard a loud “pop” like an aluminum bat being hit on one of the trees or branches. They also heard footsteps, and this caused the men to turn to look behind them. A large creature stepped out from the tree line about 35 yds away. It did not move after noticing them, and just stared with squinting eyes “like someone does with poor vision after taking their glasses off.” It was described as having a large “melon shaped head”, with somewhat long, light brown hair with red highlights. The body was covered with similar hair. No nose or mouth was noticed. It stood on two legs, very long but proportionate for the body which was very massive and upright, standing about 9 feet tall. Musculature was not very noticeable due to the great amount of hair covering its body. Its feet were not noticed, being hidden by ground foliage. It made no further noise or movement toward the men. He distinctly remembers a smell associated with the sighting to be similar to rotten eggs and earthy, as well as smelling like the creature hadn’t bathed ever. He distinctly remembers being extremely frightened. He and his cousin then ran away from the creature as fast as they could. The creature did not follow. After thinking more about the visual sighting, he feels it was probably closer to 30 seconds. This witness was quite relieved to be able to tell his story after so many years. Over the past 11 years, he has talked to numerous other individuals in the area who have also had similar stories to tell like his.

This witness also related an event that happened at age 21. He was at this same area camping with his cousin and had just cooked some hamburgers. His pet German Sheppard, who normally is quite aggressive and ferocious, began barking and growling at something in the nearby woods for at least 20 minutes. The dog then ran into the woods about 20 yards, and was then seen flying back out of the woods with a backward somersault, whining tremendously. The dog ran past the men out of the camp, still whining the whole time. They later found the dog back home. The cousin stated he saw something large and brown, but no other description was given.

The city of Muscle Shoals is on the Tennessee River.

About BFRO Investigator Thomas Bruns:

Thomas Bruns resides in Southeast TN and is active in Field Research. He has a background in Biology and is a Medical Professional. He has attended numerous BFRO and private expeditions since 2009.

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