DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Colorado > Conejos County > Report # 27057
Report # 27057  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, December 26, 2009.
Former Deputy Sheriff describes morning sighting on Cornwall Mountain
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YEAR: 2009

SEASON: Spring


STATE: Colorado

COUNTY: Conejos County

LOCATION DETAILS: mount cornwall, right at the treeline

NEAREST TOWN: platoro colorado

NEAREST ROAD: alamosa canyon

OBSERVED: in early june of this year i was riding my four wheeler above jasper colorado , at about 7;00 in the morning, i had stopped to rest at the logging block, when i heard a loud howling noise. there was no wind that day, and i could not focus in on the source. i had seen alot of sheep on Cornwall mountain on the way up so i figured it was a dog or the sheep hearder, when i had finished my water i was loading everthing back on the bike,when i heard the same sound again, only this time it was much louder. i zeroed in on it and my heart stopped. slightly below my logging road and to my right i observed a very large dirty black man like creature with his hands around an aspen tree,it was leaning a little to the right and staring at me. i stood very still and never took my eyes off of it.after about seven or eight minutes it turned and simply walked off down the hill.i will add that i am a 30 year archery hunter, and have succesfully tagged bears in this same unit. this was no bear. it was large and shaggy looking.



OTHER STORIES: yes, i had heard of sightings on the tobbaco lake trail which is about six or so miles south of here. at lake fork.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: early morning,bright sunshine open logging block

ENVIRONMENT: aspen and pines,pretty open it is an old logging block

Follow-up investigation report:

The witness resides in the Alamosa area, is a farmer and truck driver, lifelong hunter, and former deputy sheriff for Conejos County. His father was a local game warden.

The location of this incident was south of Jasper, above the old Shawcroft sawmill, between Cliff Lake and Kerr Lake.

According to the witness, after stopping for a break during his ride and sitting there for a few minutes, he heard the first howl which sounded unusual to him but he did not make much of it. He claimed an "uneasy, creepy feeling" for about the next five minutes while sitting there. Then he heard another louder howl from the same direction and area. Both howls sounded similar and were described as two-toned, starting in a lower pitch and lasting about two to three seconds in duration.

Immediately after the second vocalization, he saw the figure a little downslope below him and at a distance of approximately one hundred yards. He could see its hands around a larger 10" aspen tree and the upper body leaning out from behind the tree looking straight at him and not moving. The lower body was not visible behind the tree and in brush. He described it as dark-colored with a reddish tinge similar to some bears. Elk damage was apparent on the tree at about five feet in height and the hands were about two feet higher. There was no timber between them and he had a clear and unobstructed view. It was a little too far for any apparent facial details to be visible. He also noted that it was very quiet as there was no wind, bird, insect or animal noise. After a considerable time with both remaining motionless and staring at each other, the witness claimed to be reaching into his backpack to grab a camera that he did have with him when the figure turned and walked off, at which point the witness noted that he was surprised at the width of its shoulders, that it was "really thick" and estimated that it was seven feet tall or taller. "That's what really scared me, it's size," and he immediately left the area.

David Petti

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