Geographical Index > United States > Oklahoma > Major County > Report # 26943
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, November 29, 2009.
Possible return knocks & strange odor surprise family near Meno
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YEAR: 2009
SEASON: Fall MONTH: November DATE: 26 STATE: Oklahoma COUNTY: Major County NEAREST TOWN: Meno NEAREST ROAD: State Hwy 60 OBSERVED: Something very unusual just happened to me this Thanksgiving. I went with my wife to see her father. The area is western Oklahoma. It is wheat country. The land is flat and laid off into square sections of land. Occasionally a stream interrupting the square sections of land. The streams are the only place you will find trees with the exception around the houses and machine sheds. There are wheat fields after wheat fields. Other crops grown there such as sunflowers. I have tried counting wild turkeys. There would be as many as 200 in a flock feeding in the stubbed fields. There are plenty of deer, some pheasant, rabbits, coon, lots of small rodents. I don’t believe there are caves there.
It was getting about 9:30pm Thursday evening the 26th of November 2009. I was bored so I went out of the house away from the rest of the family, found a solid piece of wood out of my father-in-law’s shop and gave a couple of wood knocks then walked over to the corral fence and gave a holler. I didn’t expect anything at all. Then to my surprise I got a wood knock back. The knock came from the creek where all the trees grow. At this point I went to the house and had my wife come out and listen with me. I gave a couple of hollers right away a coyote howled back and started coming our way. Wasn’t long before he was about 100’ to 120’ away in the shadows and started yipping and howling at us, which was very strange.
I also smelled a terrible odor and I have a very keen sense of smell. It smelled like human sewage mixed with rotten meat. It was really bad. Also my wife heard a low moan or growl. She said it lasted a long time and it was a ways off. She does not know what to think about the sounds she heard.
So the next night I had my son-in- law come out of the house with me. I gave the same wood knocks then went over to the corral gave a holler. And again a little to my surprise I got an answer. This time my son-in-law was there to hear and witness. The knock came from spot as same as the night before. OTHER WITNESSES: Wife, Son-in-law TIME AND CONDITIONS: 37 degrees, and calm ENVIRONMENT: Flat terrain with wheat fields.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator B.G. Martin:
I met the witness at the Missouri '08 Expedition and kept in touch with him over the years. He’s a 60 year-old bigfoot researcher in the southern Missouri area who has more than one location he has cultivated. He is a sound researcher and has a good balance of skepticism and analysis.
The area is not remote, but is sparsely populated. Farms and homes are spaced off every 1/2 mile. Most of the properties are wheat farms with multiple ¼ mile square plots. The area is mostly a "stiff collared German community" that is protective of their privacy.
The witness felt it was unlikely a “jokester” was doing the knocking because of the reclusive nature of the properties and people’s tendency to keep to themselves.
The terrain in the general area is relatively flat and varies by 10 – 20 feet. The overall area fluctuates up to 50’. There is a 3’ deep creek to the west of the property that snakes through the whole area. The creek is recessed 7’ from the surrounding fields. On both sides of the creek trees and vegetation are green and lush. Otherwise, the general area is void of any wooded areas and very few trees.
On Thanksgiving night at 9:30 p.m., the witness took a 3' long, 2 x 4 like shaped dry oak and struck it twice against a debarked dead pecan tree. Five minutes later there was one single knock reply 350 yards to the west in the creek area. Five minutes later, standing near the porch of the house, he smelled a very strong odor that seemed to be coming from the south of his position. He isn’t sure how close the source of the smell was but it had to be relatively close because there was no wind that night. There are farm utility buildings and farm implements to the south of the witness’ position and something could have easily gotten close to him without him hearing it sneak up.
While the smell was still strong he went to the backdoor and called his wife outside, by the time she got on the porch the odor was dissipating but she was able to smell it too. The odor lasted for about a minute.
Five minutes later he did a howl and almost immediately a coyote from the south came running from a couple of hundred yards away, yelping and howling all the way. It stopped next to the granary building 40 yards to the straight south of the witness and yelped at them. The coyote stopped south of where the smell came from but was further away.
Four minutes later, 60 yards to the northwest next to a utility building his wife heard 3 very low growl/moans that lasted a few seconds. She could tell it was something very different from a coyote or anything else. The witness didn’t hear them because his hearing is bad at certain frequencies.
The next night at 9:40 p.m., with his son-in-law present, he did four knocks with the same log and same tree as the night before. Nothing happened for five minutes and he went over to where his son-In-law was listening. He did a holler and within 10 seconds a knock came from the same location as the night before, 350 yards to the west. They waited 45 minutes before they decided nothing was going to happen and went inside.
In summation: What the witness experienced isn’t something someone would expect in western Oklahoma. The land is flat with very few areas of cover and wooded tracts. Because of the secluded nature of farm properties and peoples’ knack to keep to themselves, it is highly unlikely a person would be out on Thanksgiving night doing wood knocks from a creek bed on someone’s property. And it’s physically impossible for coyotes to do wood knocks.
The witness felt as a result of doing a howl, the coyote came running to him because it though it was one of his “buddies”.
I mentioned to the witness that I’ve read accounts of people describing the unknown odor they’ve smelled as ‘human sewage mixed with rotten meat’ like he did. I asked him if he’s read accounts of people describing the odor that way. He said no, that’s just what it smelled like.
Click here to hear the howl the witness did. This howl was recorded on a different day.
The image below highlights the spots where events occurred. They're listed in sequence of events.
Initial knock by witness spot Return knock area by unknown subject Porch area. Witness moved to this spot after return knock Smell Source area, witness is near porch. Coyote Stopped after witness did howl, witness is near porch Growl. Witness' wife hears growl, witness & wife are near porch
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Note from Editor Matt Moneymaker:
I was one of the first (if not the first) person to make the connection (and write about) the knocking behaviors of sasquatches, back in the mid 1980's, after hearing them for myself. Since then I have heard authentic sasquatch wood knocks, during expeditions, in several parts of North America -- probably more than any other person. With that said, I can tell you it is important to differentiate between a woody "tap" sound and a true wood knock by a sasquatch.
If we can consider humans a native species in North America, then we can say only two native species can make true 'wood-on-wood' knock sounds -- humans and sasquatches -- but some other species can make loud tap sounds.
Ravens can make tap sounds with their throats, and will sometimes answer man-made wood knocks with their own tap-like sounds.
In the Pacific Northwest I have seen squirrels respond to human-made knock sounds by dropping pine cones off conifer trees. A dropping pine cone usually strikes a lower branch and often produces a fairly loud tap sound.
Both ravens and PNW squirrels can sometimes be coaxed into replying to knock sounds, but I've only heard that in the daylight ... never after dark. One needs to have an excellent ear to distinguish a tap from a distant knock. Knocks are usually powerful sounds that humans would have trouble replicating with natural implements. Whereas taps have a lower volume and level of force. These characteristics are quite subjective, though, especially when the sound is coming from a distance.
About BFRO Investigator B.G. Martin:
Investigator Since 2006