DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Utah > Washington County > Report # 26179
Report # 26179  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, June 24, 2009.
Large, bipedal animal crosses road in front of couple near Santa Clara River
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YEAR: 2002

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: February

DATE: 13


COUNTY: Washington County

LOCATION DETAILS: Near the Santa Clara River by the Shivwits Indian Reservation, on Highway 91, west of Ivins, Utah


NEAREST ROAD: Highway 91

OBSERVED: My name is [omitted]. My ex-husband and I were going west on Highway 91 toward Mesquite, Nevada. The wind was blowing south to north. Tumbleweeds had been blowing across the road before. He came up from the south by the Santa Clara River. We saw him in our headlights. He was about in the middle of the road when we saw him. He was swinging his arms like a human and he kept glancing back to see how fast we were apporaching. He was 8 to 10 feet tall, had a hairy body and looked like the ones I have seen on TV. His hair was brown in color. His hair was blowing in the wind, and we did not feel any fear. The speed limit in this area is 45 MPH. Ray slowed down to about 25 MPH. We did not even talk to each other until we got past him. Then we each said "what did you just see"? We got to see him for a long time because the road was quite wide and it took quite a while before he went of the shoulder and down a small embankment.

OTHER WITNESSES: Two. Myself & my ex-husband. We were driving west on Highway 91.

OTHER STORIES: No, but there alot of business named "Big Foot' in this area.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: About 7:00 P.M. in the evening.

ENVIRONMENT: Desert but by the river it is lush with large Cottonwood trees. There is a mountain ridge on the north side of the highway with Cedar trees and rolling hills.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Todd Strong:

I interviewed the witness, and can add the following details to her report:

The witness was the passenger, and her husband was driving west bound on Highway 91 going to Mesquite, Nevada. They first saw the creature as it approached the road from the left, coming up out of the river bottoms. They clearly saw the animal the entire time that it was exposed in their headlights. It was approximately four car lengths away. The animal walked across the road and crossed onto the dirt shoulder. The witnesses lost sight of the animal when they drove past it. They were one car length away when it was on the right hand shoulder. The witness stated that it couldn't have been a person in a suit because it was too massive, and looked too much like an animal. The animal had hair approximately twelve inches long, brown, and blowing in the wind. It looked at the vehicle several times, as if to determine if it was going to be hit.

The river bottom in the area has cottonwoods, and the nearby hills are covered in cedars and pines.

Based on the close proximity of the encounter, the sincerity of the witness, and the consistencies of the animal's behavior with other purported sasquatch behaviors, I believe that this is a legitmate Class A observation.

About BFRO Investigator Todd Strong:

Todd Strong has a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and is self-employed.
He is a Certified Visual Tracker; Level 1.
Todd has been an avid outdoorsman since childhood. Attended the following BFRO expeditions:
Utah 2007, Northern California Spring 2008, Olympic Peninsula Washington 2008, Northern California Spring 2009, Northern California Fall 2009, Wyoming 2010, Olympic Peninsula Washington 2011.
Todd was the Expedition Organizer for the Utah 2010 expedition and is organizing the Utah 2012 expedition.

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