DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Kansas > Morris County > Report # 25860
Report # 25860  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Friday, April 24, 2009.
Early morning driver spots bipedal animal eating corn near Little John Creek near Dunlap
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YEAR: 2008

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 08/10/09

STATE: Kansas

COUNTY: Morris County

LOCATION DETAILS: the road is called Dunlap road and the creek is called Big John I am not sure who the corn field belongs to.


NEAREST ROAD: Dunlap road

OBSERVED: I was driving home from Council Grove after getting a coffee and some cigarettes, it was just after day break and the fog was kind of splotchy and lifting. I was driving slow just enjoying the morning when I saw something on the side of the road next to a cornfield so I slowed down thinking it was a deer.I still had my head lights on and could see perfectly. But what i saw was not a deer it stood up to its full height which I estimate to be 8ft.and looked right at me. It had a piece of corn in its hand and I mean a hand like a humans hand. It looked like a human being with hair all over him. I stopped my car and just starred at it as it did me, then it took off and jumped the road in two large strides. It made it down the creek bank in a few seconds.I was to afraid to look for footprints as i was by myself. I have told a few people about my sighting, but after I called and reported it to the law enforcement and was laughed at I haven't spoken of it to anyone else. I know bigfoot exist's and have tried for years to prove it as my first experience was when I was a kid. The place I found tracks back then is only a few miles from this sighting. I grew up in the country and on the same creek it ran off to. I don't know if you all are serious and will believe me but I feel better getting this off my chest and telling someone I hope will not laugh at me. I still find it amazing that it was eating corn like that. I would love to get involved with a group to help prove they exist I am a total believer now. I still can't get over how human it looked. The fur or hair was long in some spots but shorter around the face and eyes. I have drawn it out on paper many times.I thank you for having this site to let me tell my story.

ALSO NOTICED: The creature was eating corn.



TIME AND CONDITIONS: Early morning right at sunrise with spotty foggy conditions.

ENVIRONMENT: Mature corn field on one side and a creek on the other.
The area is heavily wooded with a few nearby caves.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Harold Benny:

I talked to the witness by phone and found her to be very enthusiastic and credible. She had taken her daughter into town to attend a field trip, and was on the road earlier than usual. She first saw the animal at about fifty yards, but by the time she stopped she was "close enough it could have touched the car". She described it as being very broad and looking like a no-neck football player wearing shoulder pads. The skin was black covered with dark brown to black hair, about two inches long, and neat though full of weeds. It had a human-like face with a heavy brow, dark eyes and narrow lips. The creature's noticeably large hand grasping an ear of corn and the direct eye contact were the two most impressive recollections of this sighting. Although no tracks were found she has seen unidentified prints and heard howls and apparent woodknocks in this area in the past.

Her experience as a kid involved possible tracks, she did not get a good look at what made them.

I asked the witness to send us one of her drawings, if she does, I will update this report.
The drawing has not been received as of 04/20/10.

About BFRO Investigator Harold Benny:

Harold Benny holds two degrees in Zoology and was a Biology teacher for several years. He participated in the following BFRO expeditions: Michigan UP 07, Arkansas I 07, Arkansas II (Oklahoma) 07, N. Florida 08, Missouri 08, Tennessee 09, and Ohio 09. Harold has organized several private Illinois expeditions and in 2006 recieved the IDNR Volunteer Of The Year Award as part of the Montgomery Co. Hunter Education group.

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