DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Illinois > Madison County > Report # 25267
Report # 25267  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, January 4, 2009.
Memory told of a sasquatch standing in headlights on Christmas Eve west of St. Jacob
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YEAR: 1980

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: December

DATE: 24

STATE: Illinois

COUNTY: Madison County

LOCATION DETAILS: App. 1/4 miles north of Hwy 40 on IL. R.R. 4


NEAREST ROAD: It was on R.R. 4 just off Highway 40.

OBSERVED: It was Xmas eve 12/24/1980 app. 7:00pm. It was very very cold. I had just turned onto IL. R.R. 4 4 heading north and was picking up speed when I saw something in the middle of the road. There was no other cars in the area so i turned my bright lites on and started hitting my brakes. As I got closer i saw a bigfoot just standing in the middle of the road looking at me as if it was blinded by my headlights. I came to almost a complete stop as I looked at it and moved the car into the opposite lane to avoid hitting it. I came within inches of it and was looking at it the whole time. It was standing up but seemed to be kind of bent over at the waist and its was holding its right arm up against its chest (like if you would have your arm in a sling). I estimate it was well over 7 foot tall-(at the time i had a brother 6'8" and I know it was much taller than he was). I keep saying it because I'm not sure of its sex. I was in amazement and not sure what to do. I decided to go to the next road and turn around but it was gone when I returned (app.1-1/2 -2 minutes later). The best I can remember the temp. Was around 0-fr. Or below. This is a very rural area and there is no reason anyone would be standing in the middle of the road on Xmas eve in that kind of weather dressed up like a bigfoot - esp. Who's that tall to begin with? I am a hunter and have spent many hours in the wood but, have never seen anything like that before or after.

ALSO NOTICED: None that I know about.



TIME AND CONDITIONS: App. 7:00 pm.. It was after dark and it was not snowing at the time.

ENVIRONMENT: On the roadway

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Harold Benny:

I spoke with the witness by phone and found him to be credible. He is a business owner. I am familiar with the area having driven that portion of route 4 dozens of times myself.

The witness stated that the animal was very muscular with a neck like a body builder and a large head. Facial features were very ape-like. The entire body was covered in a two inch long dark and shaggy hair. This location is next to an intermittent stream running into Silver Creek which runs into the Kaskaskia River near New Athens.

About BFRO Investigator Harold Benny:

Harold Benny holds two degrees in Zoology and was a Biology teacher for several years. He participated in the following BFRO expeditions: Michigan UP 07, Arkansas I 07, Arkansas II (Oklahoma) 07, N. Florida 08, Missouri 08, Tennessee 09, and Ohio 09. Harold has organized several private Illinois expeditions and in 2006 recieved the IDNR Volunteer Of The Year Award as part of the Montgomery Co. Hunter Education group.

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