DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Utah > Summit County > Report # 25154
Report # 25154  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, December 10, 2008.
Two elk hunters & tall bipedal creature startle each other at Chalk Creek east of Coalville
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YEAR: 2004


MONTH: October

DATE: September


COUNTY: Summit County

LOCATION DETAILS: It's a CWMU known as Thousand Peaks.


NEAREST ROAD: Chalk Creek Road

OBSERVED: I was hunting Elk with my Bro in Law. Up in Chalk Creek. That is in Summit County in Utah. We had been in this deep canyon for some time. It was getting dark, so we heeded out of it. I can still see this in my head,..We were climbing up out of a small draw onto a flat meadow. As we got to the top of it. We both saw something very black in color move into a small stand of pine trees. It let out a huge Whoooff sort of sound as it went in. Also it moved a pine bow that flipped from the ground to about five feet in the air. My Bro in law said " What the Heck was that"!!! As he put a shell into the chamber. This stand of pines was no bigger than a front yard. There was a clearing behind it. I have thought on this for some time. I think that we came in contact with it. And we surprised each other. The Creature was to our left, and we had a Beaver Dam to our right. The thing was about 30 feet away from us in the pines. We were on a Deer path between the pond and the pines. We backed up, and this thing let out a low gutteral growl at us. You could hear it's teeth chatter also. I have felt fear in my life, but a sense of evil came over me. On the way home we talked about what we had saw. We were so close to this thing. I know for a fact it was not a Bear or Moose. A Bear does not move that fast on it's hind legs. I used to work at Lagoon in Farmington. It's an amusement park. I used to feed the animals down there. They had a Leapord that would growl at you when you walked by it's cage. That growl was almost just like what I heard on that mountain. I have been in the hills all my life, and have never seen or heard anything like that. Pleas give me a call.

ALSO NOTICED: I do not have a cell phone..the number that I'll give is my other bro in law He will give me the info so I can talk to you

OTHER WITNESSES: My brother in Law

OTHER STORIES: Yes I was at an Archery shop last Fall, and I told this story to a freind. Half way through the story. He said " Your not going to tell me a Bigfoot Story ". I had not even mentioned it to him. He told me that I was the second person he had heard to see one, in the same area.


ENVIRONMENT: Pine forest, and Quaken Aspen

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Todd Strong:

After interviewing this witness, the following can be added to his original statement. The witness has worked as a licensed hunting guide and a wildlife artist. When the incident occurred, it was still light enough to be considered shooting light. They surprised the creature by walking with the wind in their face. The animal could not see them because of the grade of the hill until the pair of hunters stepped into the clearing, whereupon the animal "whoofed" at them, moving a pine bough out of its way as it walked into the trees. They could not see the entire body of the creature, only from about 5 ft. off the ground, or from its hips on up. Estimated height was about 9 ft. The witness is adamant that this was an animal moving upright, on two legs. They never saw the creature again, but then they heard it growl. At the end of the growl it clicked its teeth together. The witness said it reminded him of the way a cornered dog would growl at you, and how some dogs finish a growl by chattering their teeth together.The animal's coat looked like jet black hair, not fur. It scared them enough that they left. I found this witness to be credible and an experienced outdoorsman.

This area is made up of several small, private ranches. Like most large tracts of private property, there is an abundance of elk and deer. The witness is willing to take me to the location next Spring.

About BFRO Investigator Todd Strong:

Todd Strong has a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and is self-employed.
He is a Certified Visual Tracker; Level 1.
Todd has been an avid outdoorsman since childhood. Attended the following BFRO expeditions:
Utah 2007, Northern California Spring 2008, Olympic Peninsula Washington 2008, Northern California Spring 2009, Northern California Fall 2009, Wyoming 2010, Olympic Peninsula Washington 2011.
Todd was the Expedition Organizer for the Utah 2010 expedition and is organizing the Utah 2012 expedition.

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